Garden Lights - Chapter 2 (Part 4)

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After class was finished, most of the students were already up from their places. Half of them were outside the room while they rest were inside and talking to their friends. Vivian was still sitting on her seat, talking to Charlotte, who was very curious about her.

“Ever since I got here, I wasn’t able to make a single friend,” she whined, “My roommate is such killjoy. She’s no fun at all. Always serious about this and that. It’s annoying!”

“You shouldn’t say that about your roommate.”

“But she is! What about you? What your roommate like?”

“She’s nice!”

“Yo!” Cindy yelled cheerfully as always as she came towards them.

“Speak of the devil,” Vivian said.

“Huh? Were you talking about me?”

“Yup. Cindy, this is Charlotte. Charlotte, Cindy.” She gestured towards them as she said their names.

“Hello”, Charlotte said sweetly.


“So, Vivian, do you have any siblings?”

“A big sister.”

“I have three bratty sisters. They’re always annoying me so I came here to get away from them.”

“You really talk a lot, you know? I wonder if that’s the real reason your parents sent you here?” Cindy whispered and looked as if she had made and important discovery.

Charlotte was taken back. “Hey, that’s not true! That’s mean!”

“Well, I was just expressing my opinion.” She pouted.

“That’s a horrible opinion.”

As the girls went on, Vivian couldn’t help but laugh. She had already made a friend and got along with her desk buddy. She was relieved that wouldn’t have to go through school alone.

Unbeknownst to her, the black-haired boy was sitting behind. Though he didn’t want to, he was eavesdropping on their conversation, only because they were close and loud. He didn’t really want to listen to them as it held no importance for him. His head was on his desk, pretending to sleep. That’s what Vivian thought until he got up when his name was called.

Another boy had come to the class and stood by the doorway. He had really light brown hair that was as short as the boy sitting behind Vivian, but he didn’t have any bangs covering his forehead.

“Yo, Vic!” he called out.

The boy, who was pretending to sleep, heard him and got up. He walked to the other boy.

“How was class?” the boy standing by the door inquired.

“Boring as ever.”

They both then walked away. Vivian was the only one who was looking at them while the other two girls were still busy talking to one another.

“Vic?” her lips muttered the word which she had heard from the boy’s mouth.

“His actual name is Victor,” Cindy said.

Ah! They heard me! Was I too loud? She thought.

“He’s really reserved and doesn’t talk to anyone in class,” she continued as she pushed against Charlotte’s table, "He only seems to hang out with his friend who called him out just now. He’s kinda a scary too, but girls still adore him.”

“There are girls who adore him?” Vivian was surprised.

“Yeah. He’s been labeled as “devilishly handsome”, you know?” She smirked as she said those two words.


“I know. It makes me feel sorry for all the girls who will never go out with him because he always says no.” She shook her head. “Well, anyway, you wanna take a tour around school since you're new here?”


“Great!” She gave a childish smile.

 “Oh, can I come too?” Charlotte asked, with begging eyes.

“Sure!" Cindy cheered, “We’ll all go! The more the merrier!”

All three of them laughed together. By the end of the class, they walked aroungd the school halls endlessly chatting. By the end of the, Vivian had made another new friend.

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