Garden Lights - Chapter 5 (Part 4)

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The next day, Class 1-B had announced their theme. The teacher, Ms. Haven was pleased with it. She gave the students a sum of money with they spend to buy the ingredients needed for their products. During the free lesson, Vivian, who was now much more courageous than yesterday, knew what to do.

When they got the supplies, everyone in the class started helping out. Vivian couldn’t because she had to call the other students who were roaming outside. These guys were really unserious. She had to send some students to get them back, including her friends. She stayed behind to stop anyone else from leaving.

Those who were in class had already started making the products. Everyone except for Victor, of course, who was idly sitting on his seat, pretending to sleep.

I’ll get him to work when the rest get here.

“So you guys are still making jewelry, huh?”

Vivian looked back saw Victor’s friend, Ian, standing behind her. He entered the class without permission. Then again, who was there to stop him? No teacher was in their class, and no one really cared who entered and left the class.

“Y-yeah. We’re going for it.” This was her first time actually having a conversation with the boy.

“Ian, aren’t you supposed to be in class, helping others?” It was Victor who had asked. He stood up from his seat and walked towards him.

I knew that bastard wasn't asleep!

“It’s fine. Ten minutes won’t hurt. I told them I was going out for a bit of fresh air. I was just going back to class, but I thought I’d come and see how you guys were doing.” He grinned.

“We’re doing well. Thanks for asking.” She smiled back.

“Go back,” Victor ordered.

“You’re mean!” he whined.

“Oh, um” she stuttered as she looked up at Ian who was tall like any other boy, “I forgot to ask, but what’s you class’s theme?” Both boys looked at her.

The light brown-haired boy smiled pleasantly at her. “Origami.”

 “You mean you’ll make things out of paper?” She was astonished. He kept smiling, as if he were really proud.

“No way, you’re good in origami?” Victor intervened, who was quietly listening to the two.

“Yup! Surprised?” He gleamed at him.

“Not really.”

Ian was taken back. He looked gloomy. “And here I thought you’d get a little fascinated in me.”

“I’m not interested in guys.” Victor looked away as he didn’t care.

“Don’t say it like that!”

Vivian couldn’t help but giggle at the boys’ child-like argument. It was interesting to see. Victor looked at her like she was crazy, but Ian found it amusing.

“Haha, you seem really lively. What’s your name?”

“Vivian,” she immediately answered without thinking.

“That’s a nice name. I’m Ian. Victor’s buddy and roommate. Vivian, let me show something nice.”

He took the blank white paper from her hand.

“Is this important?”

“I was going to write something on it, but I can use another paper.”

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