The beginning of the end

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Yukio and Rin were fighting again. The subject wasn't new, this argument became apart of their routine. Not a month has gone by without this discussion since their father died. Rin always takes extra precaution in his words. The last time he became angry in an argument he saw his home burst into flames, his father was taken away, and his life was ruined. Receiving a few painful words would be nothing compared to all of that, but tonight was different. Maybe because of the way Yukio looked at him when he said it, or maybe it was because this time, the words finally felt true.

"Why must you be such a pain?! I'm just trying to help you master your flames but you are just too...too...too stupid to understand!! You don't listen to what I say, you don't try to work hard, and you just don't care!" Yukio said clearly annoyed
"Hey fuck you I am not stupid! It is not my fault that your lessons don't do shit. I am perfectly fine learning on my own." Rin shot back, he knew he wasn't ever going to be smarter than his brother but that didn't mean he was stupid.

"How could you be so selfish?! Do you not realize that because of your inability to control anything, got dad killed?! You couldn't control your flames and you couldn't control your temper so now he's gone. If you actually thought before you did something you would've realized that everything he did was to protect us and you messed up a life time of his work. Everything he did was dedicated for us and to keep you safe because Rin, I don't know if you you've noticed but if people found out that Satan had a human son capable of the same abilities they wouldn't hesitate to kill you, or worse, use you."

Rin felt tears starting to pool at the rim of his eyes as he bit the inside of his cheek. No one's ever said that to him before, but he couldn't help but agree. Yukio couldn't stop now, so he kept going. "So honestly, I could care less of what happens to you. I'm justified to hate the killer of my father, aren't I? You still don't get it do you? To everyone else you're a weapon, but to me you stopped being my brother when you killed our father. To me you're just a threat. I just have to protect you because that's what dad wanted me to do! But I'm done. I'm done defending your worthless ass from your own consequences." The moment Yukio finished he felt guilt rush through him. He couldn't believe what he said, even if some of it were true there were some things he should've left unsaid.

Rin's cheeks had a steady stream of tears rolling down them, his breathing was shallow, and his expression was painfully blank.

"I...I don't understand what I ever did to you. I'm sorry...I'm sorry I killed dad I didn't mean too." His voice was breaking as it prevented a sob from escaping. " All I ever wanted to be was a good brother...a good son. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I don't want to hurt anyone!" Rin yelled, his voice hoarse as the bibles and crosses in their room went up in flames. "Rin I-" Yukio started, "shut the fuck up! You never cared about me, you never thought I was good enough to be your brother. Well screw you! I trusted you anyways because I thought at least you would understand that I...I didn't ask to be me...I don't want to be here anymore." Rin backed into the door, "I don't get it, you're the son of Satan why do people only hate me? I guess that's my fault too, right?"

There was silence between them. Yukio didn't know what to say, Rin had nothing left to say. Rin grabbed his shoes and his sword before walking out. Neither of them said good bye. Kuro followed as Yukio stayed behind.

In his head Yukio ran after him, he hugged him and apologized and hen they never argued again. He wanted to tell him that he didn't mean the cruelty in his words, that they will get better and that deep down he still loves him. He wanted to apologize and more. Bu he stood there, frozen.

It's been months since Rin disappeared. With no one to spill any information on where Rin is. Shura was pissed at everyone for making him run away like that and partly at herself for treating him like he was just a weapon that was going to be destroyed later. No one knew that Rin ran away because of Yukio, not because of everyone else. Yukio spent weeks searching for him, every day and every night he searched and waited but there was no sign of him. Every class was quiet without him laughter, no talking, barely even a smile. Everything was muted without Rin's laughter to spark it to life.

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