Ghenna Gate

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           It's been so long since Yukio had seen Rin. He stopped counting the months that went by without him. Each day was a reminder of his failure; he failed to be a good brother, he failed to take care of his brother, he failed to find him, he failed to make things better, to make things right. If anyone were to know about Rin's where about it was Mephisto. No deal or wager got him to say any intel of Rin. Every question was answered with a smile and the shake of the head.

The Exwires felt worse everyday for what they did, months have gone by and Yukio still hasn't told them the truth. If they were to find out and ask him what he said what he didn't do, he would be able to tell them. He remembered word for word what he said, every detail in the room, a memory he relives evey time he slept, every time he looked at the empty bed with unmade sheets. Suguro, Shiemi, Shima, all of them felt guilt. They were his friends, his only friends, and they believed that they were the ones who made him feel like he was the burden of the world.

       Christmas came by, Yukio was in no mood to celebrate his birthday when Rin could be out there. This would be the first birthday they weren't together, an empty feeling sat on his chest. Without the other twin there the day felt incomplete, Yukio felt incomplete. He didn't have time for it anyway, he had to take the Exwires on a new mission. They were walking towards the exit, the sky was gray and fit the setting of Yukio's mood, but all of a sudden they stopped. A ring of blue flames flowed through the floor with blood spreading from it. As some took a step back, the rest put brought out their weapons, standing ready for whatever this may be.

"What the hell is that thing?!" Suguro asked anxiously. Yukio knew what this is, it wasn't the first time he's seen something like this. "It's Ghenna Gate." He immediately took out his phone and called Mephisto, requesting back up, but he just laughed. "You are going to love what's coming up next," then hung up. The gates cracked opened, striking the Exwires with fear, but then a familiar hand popped out of the gate. It was crawling it's way out, with a stake in its leg and covered in blood they couldn't make it out. Then it brought out a sword everyone stood there in shock. "Is that....kurikara?" They whispered in sync as they watch it close the gate, when the creature looked at them they saw that their eyes were scared, but they were incredibly sad as well. Their heart sank, but they smiled anyways. Only one person on any world would have eyes that blue.

"Rin!!!!" Yukio yelled, running towards him as the others followed. The gray clouds above them began to cry, their tear drops extinguishing the left over flames that scorched the floor. As soon as Rin saw the crowd of familiar faces sprinting towards him he shot up, limping as fast as he could towards the nearest exist. He would've made it if he remembered to removed the stake impaling his leg. As he tried to jump the wall his leg faltered, causing him to crash down with his back against it. The moment was overwhelming. Maybe it was the ache of his body, the blood loss, the extreme exhaustion, or the pain in his chest, but Rin couldn't stand to look at the concerned eyes across the people he hated.

"Rin! I am so sorry I didn't mean any of that I- where have you been? what happened to you? I've been so worried about you I'm so-" Yukio's words were cut off. "NO!!" Rin's voice still sounded broken, the same tone he held on the night he left. He was breathing heavily, his wounds starting to creep up on him. "I don't want to hear any of it so don't waste your breath. Nothing you say will change anything, nothing you do will change how much I hate you. So fuck off and leave me be. I didn't crawl out of the gates of fucking hell to be reunited with you assholes. Be sorry and sad all you want as long as you leave me out of it."

Rin was looking down, a part of him wished things were different. He learned to accept his father's death, he's accepted who and what he is. A killer. All of a sudden Yukio leaned in and hugged him tightly, the rain mixed tears falling onto RIn's tattered and bloody clothes. "I understand that you hate me. I understand that I've hurt you. I understand that nothing I could ever do or say can make things how they used to be, make things better. You can hate me all you want as long as you know that I love you. I would do anything I can to make things better for you. I would give up my life right now in a heart beat if it meant that you'd be happy again. I'm a piece of shit who's been the biggest fucking asshole in the world and I'm just...I'm so happy you're here. I'm so glad you're safe. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you..."

Rin felt his body slowly relax as he listened to Yukio. All that time spent promising himself that he would never forgive him, that he would never be close to anyone again began to instantly melt away. His arms wrapped around his brother and hugged him just as tight. He let out a sob that's been festering for what felt like an eternity. It was not a definite sign of forgiveness, but it was a lovely start. Next to join their hug was Shiemi then Shima. Not too long after Shura came running toward them.

"Rin! Is that you? Where the hell have you been!? Are you alright? Where's kurikara?" Rin shivered when she asked that question, returning to Assaih was not an easy journey. He brought out the sword which was now covered in scratches and marks. Even though the scabbard moved barely an inch, Rin didn't burst to flames and neither did it. Rin flicked it off was his thumb and watched as it splashed into the puddle. The clinking of broken metal upon movement echoed.

        No one said anything, nobody moved. Any vessel was never good broken, no matter what it was holding. There wasn't much time to dwindle on it, the puddle that held the scabbard began to turn red. Rin's injuries were getting the best of him, the rain soaking his shivering, broken frame wasn't helping either. He fell unconscious, Yukio didn't waste any time scooping up his brother in his arms and rushing to the medical center. He didn't care about the broken pieces of metal on the floor nor what it might've meant. All that mattered to him was that his brother was home and breathing.

As the morning became the afternoon Rin was in bed. His body was cleaned in bandaged, an IV was needled in as he slept. Yukio sat at his bedside, watching over him as he thought. "There is something off here," Yukio said trying to put all the pieces together. "Satan finally got Rin. He became fully trained, he had the right motivation to do anything he asked, but I doubt that no amount of training would help Rin escape Ghenna with a few wounds and a broken sword. There was no one and nothing following him out the gate as well. I doubt Satan would let someone like in walk out of his hands just like that." Yukio snapped his finger, punctuating his point. When everyone thought about it they agreed. "We'll ask Rin about it soon, but not now and not tomorrow. Who knows how long he was in Ghenna or what he did there. Let's let him rest, give him a warm meal and some time to settle back in. He looks fucking awful," Suguro said.

They have Rin but something still feels broken.

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