Another fight

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Yukio woke up to the empty room again. Every time he falls asleep he hopes to wake up to see Rin there, hoping it was all just a bad dream. Yet again Yukio was disappointed. There was a knock at the door, he stood up and opened it to see Mephisto.

"Sir...what are you doing here?" Yukio asked and looked at Mephisto. Mephisto looked devastated and took off his hat. "I need to explain a few things to's about Rin." Yukio let him inside and sat down. That's when Mephisto started talking.

"The plan was to train Rin so he could fight against Satan. Everyone in the Vatican and the academy is guilty for Rin's actions, even me. The plan was to kill Rin and use him to open the gate. We knew he would die in the process but it would've been worth it since we were going to drop a bomb inside Ghenna." "You were going to kill my brother?" "I'm not finished. I made a deal with Satan, like I did with Shiro. The deal was that I would let Satan tempt the people to treat Rin like the way they did and he would take Rin under his wing. I knew if Rin returned to Ghenna he would be safer there, I promise you I did it for his own good." Yukio couldn't believe what he was hearing. His brother his being tortured at the very moment because of some deal? "Protect him? Rin would've been safer with me! He is dying in Ghenna what the f*ck do you mean protection!! This is your fault he's in so much pain and its your fault Rin is turning into a monster!" Mephisto looked down then back up. "I understand your concern and I guarantee that this was none of my intention. But the real reason I wanted to talk to you personally is because I know how to fix all this." Yukio didn't calmed down, he clenched his fist and gritted his teeth and Mephisto talked. "Shiemi has already started on the medicine that will help Rin but I suggest we shouldn't give it to him right away" "why the hell wouldn't I-" "because we need to kill Satan first. If there is a way we can stop him then we need to take that chance so this can never happen again. I have no right to ask you this but I beg your forgiveness. I need you to make this plan work. If you can help me I can promise you that in the end Rin will be alright."

Yukio held up his fist ready to punch Mephisto in the face, but he couldn't. If there really was a chance to make sure Rin would be okay then he might have to take it. "Give me some time to think about it." Mephisto nodded and said "you have three days" and left.

The next day Yukio was walking into the Vatican to see corpses everywhere. He ran to all of them to find no survivors. Yukio brought out his guns and walked towards the main hall. He went pale to see Rin sharpening a bloody sword in the middle of the room, he looked even worse. "All I am is a monster...I know that now. But need to remember who you are, what you are." Rin said getting up and pointed his blade at him.

"Rin...remember who you are. I'm going to help you remember?" Yukio said walking closer. "I don't need your help Yukio, I need you dead!" Rin ran towards Yukio attempting to slit his throat. He dodged Rin's attacks for a while until he got hit. Rin started beating him up, making Yukio cough up blood. "Rin please...don't do this." Rin stood on top of him and held up his sword aiming it at his chest. "Like I said from the very beginning. You're too late." Rin stabbed him making Yukio motionless. He sighed with relief like the burden he had to carry around for so long as finally gone away. He took out the sword and started walking away, he looked back to see his brother on the floor bleeding out.

               "I'll see you in Hell"

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