A new beginning

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I know you won't read this but might as well write this. There is a 80% chance that this is the last chapter of this story.
If you want me to continue this story please comment below. If you have ideas or request just comment below. Thank you for reading!!

Rin and yukio held hands running through the clouds. Hearing those words was like a dream come true. They looked around, and saw their friends, mother and shiro standing, waiting for them. The twins ran up and hugged every single one of them as tight as they could. Both whispering "I'm sorry" a million times before finishing off with "I missed you guys so much." After hugging for a while Angels  led the twins to a sacred room.

"Hello, Rin and yukio, please sit. We have much to talk about." The twins sat down, recognizing the voice from the gate. "You two have been through so much, I'm proud of you for helping me." "How did we help you?" Rin asked, there was a little chuckle before he continued. "Do you remember the story of Noah's ark? How I flooded the world to start over? Well, I knew of satans plans and I knew how it would end, how it would hurt the lives of many people. So when you were born I gave you two gifts because I knew one day, that you would help me start over. Now because of you two everyone is safe here in my kingdom. But let's just put that aside, I have very important business to discuss."

Rin was too busy smiling and hugging his knees to his chest so yukio said "of course, anything you want." Another small chuckle until they heard "in 7 days I will be finished with rebuilding your world and restoring the time and knowledge people had. But I'm willing to make a deal with you, I will push back time to the day the two of you had that argument, I will give you the chance to start over and start living like the teens you wanted. Holding onto your demon essence and being human like you wanted. But in return, when you die, you will become my archangels." Rin and yukio smiled at each other. "Oh! Rin, an archangel is the guardian of other Angels and humanity. Protecting ever living thing from the fires from hell." Rin chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, glad he was told what an archangel was before he agreed. "This is a lot to take in, but I suggest you spend some time with your family and friends before you decide anything." The twins nodded, but yukio asked "what if we don't agree?" "Well I will send everyone back to earth to the original time. It will be like none of you ever came here. Only those who died because of the world ending will be allowed to come back." Rin and yukio bowed their head in respect before leaving.

They had a lot to think about, but to pass the time why not spend some time with their friends and family?

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