Our end

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After a year the twins finally woke up from their death sleep to see that everything went according to satans plan. People now followed the demons, those who didn't were already killed. There was no new plan to end their father and there was no intentions too. Rin and Yukio just laid down lifeless yet breathing. It was like everything was in black and white. They lost everyone, yet they can't die, their life was meaning less. What's the point of making the best of it when "it" isn't ever going to end? Everything they thought of involved the death of everything and everyone...but in their minds it meant piece. They thought of the halo their mother showed them...how it was the source of satans power. If it dies then Satan does, plus them, plus the new world. The twins were willing to do anything to die, even if it meant taking the whole world down with them.

They both got up and looked around for guards, there was none. They walked closer and closer to the room before seeing their father guarding it. "You filthy children, come back for more!? I will make you live in a world of pain if you ever touch this!" The twins said nothing, they honestly didn't care anymore. Of course knowing their father they would have to fight. But this time it wasn't about killing their father or revenge...it was simply just to get to the other side. When the fight began Rin and Yukio were fighting in harmony. Hit after hit, bullet after bullet, slash after slash. Satan wasn't able to touch them yet he was being beaten.

The battle went on forever, to humans years but for demons days. "Before we destroy everything...I wanted to know...why would you leave a place like heaven, with god right by your side?" Rin asked lowering his sword. "That place is evil! I got out because I was better than everyone else." "But why did you leave?" "I was tired of being second best, I walked in his shadow for so long I became one. And I wanted revenge...on all those who stupidly followed blindly." "Oh...well if we see them again...we'll get revenge for you...and as for God....we'll apologize." "I don't want an apology I want revenge!" "Well good luck....we still love you and mom....so we'll see you soon." The talk was just a distraction, the twins were already holding the halo. Rin and Yukio hugged each other tightly letting one tear escape. "It was a good life, I'm so proud to be your brother...and I look forward to seeing you on the other side, no matter where we end up." They laughed a little at the fact they said it in sync. "Brothers?" "Brothers." They smiled before breaking the halo in half and closes their eyes. Satan screamed in pain as all of his power was ripped out of him. Every demon turned white and ascended into the sky. The burst of magic went everywhere in the world, killing every living thing and getting rid of every man made thing. Kind of like Noah's ark, destroy everything then...starting over.

Finally...death. The sweet sound of nothing and the comforting feeling of darkness. The twins couldn't see anything but they could feel the other twins hand laced in theirs. They saw there life flash before them, each from a different point of view. In Rin's eyes there was happiness and joy, the feeling of being accepted even though he knew everything was a lie. For Yukio there was pain and suffering, never being good enough, knowing it was the truth. At the end of their flash back there was a bright light. They looked at each other and started walking towards it, only to realize it was a gate. Then they heard a voice, hearing it might've been the best thing that's ever happened to them. It was loud and strong, yet kind and gentle.

"It's okay, you can come in here too."

A Demons Story {Blue Exorcist}Where stories live. Discover now