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Barry and Bart sped around the room, each landing punches on the other, but only hard enough to barely bruise the other. Impulse had grown stronger in the past couple of weeks. Getting faster, hitting stronger, and he wasn't able to be beat as easy. This was just sparring though. If he was going to have to be able to protect central city, he would have to go faster, and smarter. Bart was already pretty smart because of his prior knowledge of the world.

Flash and Impulse flew around the room sometimes literally. But eventually they had to take a break. Then within almost 2 hours they were sparring again. That was how long their bruises took to heal. "After this do you want to race?" "Why would you want race me kid? You know I'm faster." "Well how do I know when I'm going to be faster than you if you always shoot me down for racing?" Finally Barry agreed.

They lined up in the particle accelerator chamber. "Alright Ronnie, first to stop after 3 laps wins. Got it?" Barry was calling up to Ronnie and Professor Stein, who were up in the observation room. "Okay Barry I got it. Now when I get to 3, that's when you take off running." This was a recording. Ronnie and Stein had left when they were lining up. In reality they were sneaking down to the chamber. And as Firestorm, they crept in through the high doors and onto the nearest platform to the two speedsters.

As the recording began counting down, he made a small fire in his hands, and continued to grow it as the recording continued. "1" He aimed, "2" He got ready to throw it, and right before it got to 3 a ball of fire was heading to Barry and Bart. "3"

Barry jumped as the fierce heat behind them bursted and slammed to the ground. But Bart knew it was coming and he took off. Already halfway around the first lap, Bart had a slim lead, as Barry finally realized what had happened, and took off. But before Barry could get too far Bart passed him! And slowed a little so he could smile at his grandfather, who was in shock. Bart was never able to catch up to him, let alone pass him. Bart sped ahead, and Barry went faster.

Two laps down, and Bart had a lead, but not too much of one, and even then Barry still got closer. (Ha ha. 420. Btw the 420 is on word 420) Bart could practically see the finish. But Barry had almost caught up to him. But then he found himself at the end. He won.

"How did you get so fast?" "Every time you said no to us racing I got on the treadmill and ran, and every time I ran, I got a little faster." "Wow. Do I really say no to racing that much?" Bart stared at him for like 30 seconds, in the most awkward silence ever. "Dude, I've been asking you to race since day one and every day since." "Oh" Bart walked out to the shower. Then he went to sleep. That was a good day.

The Flash: An Impulse DecisionWhere stories live. Discover now