Finally a family

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I had spent the last 9 hours in immense pain as my labour seemed to slow. I could tell that our child was going to be so much like her father. Because, she was stubborn and taking forever.

But now she was here and everything was going perfect.

I held her in my hands as Harry stood towering over my shoulder looking at his daughter in awe. A few tear rolled down my cheeks as I looked at the precious child in front of me. No doubt she resembled me and him. She let out a little cry and my heart skipped a beat. I couldn't believe she was here and that she was ours forever. It almost seemed too good to be true.

Harry wiped away a year falling from my eyes and I looked up to him. He smiled and I could see the same look of satisfaction and relief that our daughter was here. He kissed my forehead. And a nurse came into the room.

"Have you decided what you're going to name her yet?" She asked sweetly looking at Harry and I with a sense of longing. I shook my head no. And Harry did the same.

"I will give you all some time, then" she said and quietly left the room. Trying not to disturb our sleeping angel. The door creaked and my head snapped up to see all the boys coming into the room. They all seemed relieved and over joyed by the new addition to our little family.

"What's her name?" Niall asked looking up from our little bundle of joy to me.

"What about Annaleigh?" Harry asked me and my heart warmed. That's exactly what she looked like.

"Annaleigh" I whispered.

"It's perfect, guys this is Annaleigh" more tears streamed down my face as our little girl slowly opened her eyes. Harry slowly reached down to her and when he touched her she grabbed ahold of his finger. He let out a gasp as her little grip tightened around his finger. A few tears escape from both of our eyes.

"Annaleigh Grace Styles" I said and everyone awed.

"Can we hold her?" Liam asked hesitantly and I shook my head in approval. Harry climbed on the bed with me as we watched the boys take turns holding her. Each of their faces brightening up when she reached their outreached arms. I felt a pang of happiness as she was passed back to Harry. I watched him watch her and I knew then that everything would work out.

Everything would be okay, we had a family, and friends who loved us. We were everything, if not more than I had ever hoped. After all it's no longer everything about me. But it's everything about the people we have surrounded ourselves with. The people who makes us feel at home. And these boys certainly. Did.

And I couldn't as for anything more.

The End


So this was the last chapter you all and I've enjoyed writing this so much. But the story must come to an end.

If you're interested in another book I'm writing one called Perfection with my friend Laney. It's on her page


Check it out. I think it's fantastic.

I love you all and thank you for those of you who have read this and stuck with the story.

I love you all.

Enjoy your evening.

Signing off on this book for the last time. I'm Ashton.

Stay beautiful.! xx

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