Nothings fine I'm torn

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Hey guys thaks for all the support you guys are giving me and the votes! Don't forget to comment. Also if you have any good Ideas for maybe a sequel to this book please let me know! Love you all!!!

Alright now back to the story!

xxx- Ashton

It had been 10 minutes ta Harry had been gone. I was beginning to feel worried so I went to go find him. I went to the lobby and he was nowhere to be found. I turned around to go back into the elevator, maybe I had passed him up. I pressed the button waiting eagerly for the elevator to get to the bottom floor. When the doors opened their was Harry. Making out with another girl.

Evelyn's POV STILL

My eyes filled with tears as I watched the scene unfolding before my eyes. I had no words. Even thought their were so many going through my mind. Nothing came out. I stiffled a cry then Harry turnd around.

"Oh my god Evelyn no" He said reaching for me. I cringed back turned around an ran through the lobby and out the doors into the cold Paris night.

I didn't know where I was running or where I was planning on going. I could hear Harry running behind me yelling my name.

"EVELYN" He yelled. Each time he yelled my name my heart sank more and more into my chest.

About 45 minutes later I couldn't run anymore. I knew I had lost Harry some time back but running made me feel better. Just as I was about to stop I ran into something. No scratch that somebody. I looked up to see the first love of my life.

"ZAYN" I yelled and then jumped into his arms. He held onto my I started sobbing into his shoulder. He held onto me I knew e was confused but he made no attempt to ask me what was wrong.

"Come on" he said but I couldn't move.

"I can't Zayn I just can't" I said faintly but he still heard me. He picked me up bridal style without any hesitation. I knew I wasn't heavy but I didn't think I was that easy to pick up. I burried my face into his neck and proceeded to cry even more.

Zayn's POV

She had done it. I knew what I had done to her was wrong. I knew what I had done to Harry was wrong but It was supposed to be me and her not her and Him. I'm a terrible person but it felt so good to have her in my arms again.

2 Days Ago

When we got to Paris I watched Harry pick her up the way I used to. I wanted nothing but for that to be me again. I wanted her and I would do everything to get her back. Everybody walked into the hotel but I spotted a very attractive girl on the corner. She was a prostitue and I knew it. Suddenly I had a plan that made me sick to my stomach but would make me happy in the end.

I walked up to the blonde girl she reeked of perfume and a lot of it. When I got closer her mouth dropped open she clearly knew who I was.

"HOLY FUCK YOU'RE" I put my finger to my lips signiling her to shut up. The last thing I need were the paps snapping pictures of me talking with a prostitute.

" Meet me behind this hotel in 15 minutes" I told her She looked at me suprisedly but then quickly agreed. I swiftly grabbed my key from the front desk and took the elevator to mine and Niall's room.

"Zayn we're going to the pub in a few are ya in" Niall's accent rang from the bathroom

"Yeah mate i'll meet you all down their i'm gonna take a shower and freshen up" I lied

After the boys left I ran down to the back alley behind the hotel. She was waiting.

"You're late" She had stated wearing nothing but a lengerie piece. She was suddenly less attractive. I don't know how that was possible but then again she wasn't Evelyn.

" I know but I need you to do something for me" I said looking at her sternly

"Baby this isn't the first time I've done this I know what you need me to do" She said walking towards me I unconciously stepped back. Leaving her starteled.

"No I don't want sex I need you to do something for me. I need you to seduce Harry Styles and make sure his girlfriend see's it" She agreed quickly then took the money.

"We'll do it tomorrow Harry always tkes a shower at night ariund 11:30 i'll make sure he goes downstairs and that she follows shorlt after cause he will be gone for so long" I told her she shook her head and I gave her enough money to stay at the hotel tonight then I'd pay her the rest tomorrow when I got the girl of my dreams back.

God I am fucked up



xxx ashton

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