Im so sorry.

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Hey so I'm back to typing on my phone so the chapter may be sorta short. Sorry.




A lump rose in my throat and I was at a sudden loss for words. Nothing would come out.

I just sat there with the phone held up to my ear staring at the picture of us on my laptop screen and listening to his repetitive hello's.

The tears were streaming down my cheeks as I held the phone close to my heart.

There was no doubt that there were still heart wrenching feelings towards him. Not even the biggest lie in the world could cover up my feelings for him.

Too bad he probably didn't feel the same.


"Ma'am? Ma'am? The plane has landed and we have arrived in London." I was being shaken awake by a nasily voice.

Wait did she say we were in London? Had I really slept that long?

I grabbed my carry-on and made my way off of the plane. I let the cold London air sting my face as it welcomed me home.

*sigh* home.

I was thankful that nobody had recognized me.

But then again, nobody was really looking anymore.

I grabbed my bags and made my way to get a rental car since I had sold all of my stuff once I had left to go hide in America.

I drove my way to Zayn's flat. I was so thankful that he had offered to help me.

After everything that happened your think I'd hate him? But the strange thing is that I don't. I guess I had just wanted to forget all of that. Even though that was sort of the reason I left. Well about 10 percent of the reason. But, we don't bring up that uhm 'little incident' anymore.

I climbed the steps of the flat complex not really letting it sink in that I was here. Probably because I was afraid of what would happen when I allowed myself to let the memories come flooding back.

I was now anxious as I made my way down his hallway and made a stop in front of his door. I waited a few seconds before making the few quick rasps on the door.

I stepped back and waited patiently.

When the door swing open I gave a wide grin as the boy stood before me. But that grin was suddenly gone when I realized who was standing in the door way.

I watched his eyes grow wide and then flicker in pain as he took in my face. I suddenly felt the need to vomit. I wasn't ready for this. I needed more time.

But with my luck that wasn't going to happen.

"Evelyn?" My eyes stung with tears as I looked at the boy who had caused my heart so much pain standing before me with a pained look on his face.

"Harry" I whispered in a barely audible tone.

His eyes took in my face but then roamed the rest of my body. His eyes stopped at my bulging stomach hidden under my white peacoat.

"Wh--what is that?" He asked pointing at my stomach.


"Harry I know how this looks" he shook his head violently. He was acting just how I was afraid he would.

I could see the anger fill his eyes.

"No, no, no, no, no, no , NO" yelling now.

I looked around nervously as I saw the 4 boys standing behind him with shock on their faces.

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