. . . . What

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Harry's POV

"Liam hurry get her to the damn car" I yelled as Evelyn was doubled over in pain screaming an ear piercing scream. I covered my ears as she cried.

"HARRY HELP ME" she yelled reaching out to me and taking a tight grip on my arm. I winced in pain as she tightened her grip more.

"LIAM" I yelled as he came running around the corner. Danielle, Eleanor, Niall, and Zayn were only paces behind him. Liam helped me lift Evelyn into the van. And everyone else filed in around us.

"It shouldn't be hurting like this" I hear Eleanor whisper to Louis who looked at me with sympathy in his eyes. I shrugged it off but in my head I was panicking. She wasn't due for 3 more months.

The ride to the hospital was long and agonizing. Between Liam's speeding, Danielle's muffled cries, and Evelyn's screams I was beyond annoyed.

We finally pulled into the hospital loading zone and Zayn helped me lift Evelyn out of the van. We wrapped our arms around her waist and carried her into the emergency room. When we entered the doors she let out another agonizing scream that caught everyone's attention. All heads turned towards us as a team of nurses ran over to us.

"What's your name?" The nurse asked Evelyn who couldn't speak only scream.

"Evelyn, her names Evelyn" Zayn said panickingly.

"And what's wrong?" She said hurriedly writing things down on a clip board.

"We we don't know she was fine one minute then next thing we knew she was screaming and holding her stomach" Liam included.

Another nurse ran towards us with a wheel chair. Evelyn slowly lowered herself into the chair only to let out another cry for help once she was seated.

"We need to get her to delivery, something's not right" I heard one nurse say to the one who was wheeling Evelyn towards an elevator.

I began to panic as my worries were in fact confirmed. Something was wrong and whatever it was was extremely terrible. 

It's been two hours since they took Evelyn back and all I could do is pace. I couldn't sit or stand. I just walked the same amount of floor I had for 2 hours. I wanted to know what was going on. Every time a doctor would pass my heart would race but I would only be let down when they were only walking past us.

"Mr Styles?" My head whipped around as my name was called.

"Yes" I said sounding panicked.

"I'm doctor Brennan, I am so sorry we did everything we could but I'm afraid we couldn't save the baby" my head began to race and my eyes filled with tears. I ran past the nurse and into Evelyn's room where she laid there looking at the wall.

She looked up at me and began to cry. She looked weak. The color in her face was gone. The shining in her eyes was dull. She was no longer Evelyn. I kneeled down beside her bed and grabbed her hand.

"Harry. . ." She whispered. I kissed the top of her hand.

"Shh baby it's okay, I'm here." She took her hand away from mine and looked at me sternly.

"I did it on purpose" I looked at her confusedly then stood up. WHAT?!? How, when, huh?

"What do you mean you did it on purpose?" I asked trying to stay as calm as possible.

"Because, I love you. It's only me and you. No one will ever get in the way of that" I began to run.

"No, no, no,no,no,no, NO!" I yelled

"HARRY, HARRY, HARRY STOP HARRY STOP" My name was being shouted I looked back to see Liam. I fell and Liam shook me

"Harry get up, you're fine, Harry, HARRY" then my eyes fluttered open.

My heart settled down as I took in the surroundings of Liam's flat.

It was a nightmare.

"Where is she? Where's Evelyn" I said knowing I looked completely mental.

"She's in the kitchen mate" Niall said. And my heart stopped racing as Evelyn walked in with a cup of tea. I stood up and went over to her.

"I love you so much" I said then wrapped my arms around her. She was tense at first then relaxed and kissed my cheek.

"I love you too Harry" I smiled at her as she took a seat on the couch next to me. But I couldn't get that nightmare out of my head.


About 2 months later

Evelyn's POV-

Preparing for a baby is much harder than I thought. Me and Harry had to buy a new flat because we didn't have enough room for the baby.

We had picked out clothes, shoes, blankets, diapers, wipes, bottles, soap, crib, rocking chair, formula (in case I didn't like breast feeding) and anything else you can imagine. I had left it up to Harry to paint the nursery which actually turned out better than I thought it would.


I was due in 2 weeks and we had rushed to get everything together. Luckily it all worked out though.

Everything was going just perfect.

I stood up and went down stairs to see Harry, Liam, and Niall watching TV while Zayn was skyping Perrie. I laughed at the boys' typical Sunday routine and went into the kitchen to make them something to eat. I reached for the bread when a pain shot in my stomach

"Ouch" I said rubbing the spot that hurt. But I shrugged it off and went to get some ham. But then something threw me off I felt my jeans go wet.

I nearly ran into the kitchen and everyone looked at me

"Guys, my water just broke"



Aye booskiiiis. So this book only has 1 chapter left! Not sure when I will update but hey, if you want to be in one of my upcoming books the auditions are still up!!!

I will do another chapter once I get 10 votes and 7 comments(;

Get on it!!! I

Love you lots

xxx -Ashton

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