Dinner for 8

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LOUIS GIRLFRIEND IS  ( @UnknownOutsider)


I head the doorbell ring twice. I hurredly looked in the mirror one lat time and ran downstairs but stopping myslef a few up because you could see through the side windows and I didn't wanna appear too desperate. I opened the door and saw tht gorgeous smile of his.

"Come on in Harry I just gotta leave a note for my mum incase she comes home early" I lied I was leaing a note for Christian telling him to cover for me just incase mum came home. My mom didn't like me going out with friends without asking her first. But sice she didn't answer her cell I was just going to go anyways.

I wrote the quick Cover for me or else...I'll be back when I'm back. I'll sneak in the back DONT TELL MOM or I'll kill you.

Harry had taken a seat on my couch. I looked over to notice him staring at me. I blushed then continued writing. I signed my name and a few x's for kissed then turned and almost ran into Harry. He caught me before I could fall back. He steadied me then looked me in the eyes.

" Are you alright love?" ohh he smelled good like gucci from gucci. I loved that smell

" I'm all good". I said looking into his green eyes. He leaned in a bit and I did the same I closed my eyes I could smell his spearament gum on his breath.

" HARREHHHHHHHHH" dammit. Louis came barging through the door. Harry immediately jumoed back. I just stood there and looked at the ground

"Awwww did i mess something up?" he said with a concerned look

" No you didn't mess anything up. It's not importaint Lou" my heart sank. I wasnt importaint.

"Well we should go" I said walking towards the door being careful not to look at Harry. I sat in the bak inbetween Zayn and Liam and Louis sat up front with Harry. I felt a pang of jealousy when Louis was with Harry even though that was siilly because they were both guys. But I still wished It was me with Harry. No I didn't he said it wasn't importaint when it so totally was! I meant nothing to him and I could see that.

"Evelyn are you okay?" I looked over at Zayn.

"Yeah Zayn I'm fine" I looked down and I could feel the tears in my eyes. Why did I care so much about what Harry thought? He was just a guy. What did he know?

We pulled into Nandos and one by one we filed out of the car. When I went to go get out somebody grabbed my hand. I looked up and realized it was Harry. I pulled my hand away from him when I got out leaving him with a confused expression on his face.


I helped her out of the car hoping to walk in together but when she got out she pulled her hand away from mine. Why was she so upset all of a sudden. And then it hit me. I had said the almost kiss wasn't importaint. She must have thought I was saying she wasn't importaint. But that wasn't true. This girl I had known for 2 days had me fallin hard. She always made me smile from the moment she said her name in class. She was special. Unlike any of the other girls I had ever been with.

I was looking around the restaraunt for Callee, my girlfriend. I felt terrible for doing this to her. I just didn't feel the same with her as I did with Evelyn. Everytime Evelyn would accidently brush into me I would feel a jolt of electricity but when Callee bumped into me I would feel nothing. I was beginning to think Calle had frogotten which wouldn't have been a bad thing cause thenI could spend more time with Evelyn. But then I felt arms wrap around my waist and soft lips kiss my cheeks. Shit. She hadn't forgotten. I looked across the table to see nothing but pure hurt in Evelyn's eyes. God I was an asshole.


I sat and watched a gorgeous blonde girl wrap her arms around Harry and kiss him on the cheek softly. So It was true I really meant npthing to Harry. I felt a jolt of pain in my heart at the though of me meaning nothing to him. Maybe he just saw me as another girl he can sleep with and get away with never calling them. He was the most popular boy in school anyways. He got everything he wanted when he wanted it. Even sex. Girls would just give him what he wanted. No matter what it was. But not me I wasn't going to play this game with him. I was done with Harry. I felt tears begin to form in my eyes I hurridley excused myself from the table and walked to the bathroom. I cried for atleast 5 minutes before finally pulling myself together. I looked into the full length mirror and re adjusted myself. Fixed my makeup and walkd back out to the table where everyone was already eating. I sat down next to  Zayn and felt his hand on my leg I looked down to see him rubbing my leg. It felt nice. I felt warm with Zayn even though it was Harry I wanted.

"Are you okay love?" Zayn whispered in my ear. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of him caring. I nodded my head and he patted my knee mouthing good.

I spent the rest of dinner flirting and talking with Zayn and the rest of the boys. I not once spoke to Harry. But everytime I would flirt with Zayn, Harry would shoot him death glares. But Zayn just brushed them off. I couldn't help but want to be with Zayn He didn't make me feel like shit. I felt Zayn run his hand up my leg getting closer to where he shouldn't be. When he got really close I swatted his hand away but he grabbed my hand and held it. I didn't feel the jolt of electricity I felt with Harry though. This was quite the dilema. I loved Harry but he Loved that blonde girl. And Zayn was the one showing interest in me. Oh now I have a headache.

After dinner ended we all went walking about London. I held hands with Zayn as we walked. And Louis held hands with his girlfriend Carter. Carter reminded me of Zayn she has short curly jet black hair. Brown eyes she's 5'8 and really fun to be with. They were so cute together. I wish I could have what they have one day.  Harry and I think her names Callee were behind me and Zayn. I turned around to ask Harry a question but he was too busy snogging her face off. And for the second time that night my heart sunk.

Zayn put his arm around my waist as we were walking it was quite a chilly night in London. I was freezing hoping we would stop somewhere so I could defrost. Zayn's body heat kept me semi warm but I was still frozen. We fnally stopped at a starbucks. I was relieved when we stepped into the heat. I let out a hmp as we walked in.

" Babe were you cold?" Zayn said looking dowwn at me with his gorgeouse brown eyes.

" Just a little but I'll be okay" I said sencerely.

"I'd give you my jacket but I didn't bring one" He said looking sorry.

"Zayn it's okay I'll be fine". Just then I felt something warm fall over my shoulders. It was a purple Jack Wills sweatshirt. That belonged to Harry.

" Harry you really don't have to do that i'm fine" I said protesting handing him his jacket back but he refused to take it.

"I insist' he said walking forward to order him and the blonde girl something to drink. She ordered a water. Really? who does that at a coffee shop?

While Zayn ordered our drink I stood by the door with Harry while his girlfriend when to the washroom. I went to go walk away from Harry when I slipped and fell onto Him he caught me by the hips and I held onto his neck I steadied myself and went to go walk away when I felt. Ice cold water get poured onto my head.


"ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY I TRIPPED AND HE CAUGHT ME" I yelled back at her while Zayn handed be paper towels to dry myself off with. She walked away pulling a laughing Harry along with her. An asshole. He was laughing at me. I started crying when Zayn pulled me into his arms

" Zayn I'm soaked" I whispered into his neck

" I don't care. Come on love lets get you back to my place". He pulled me a long to his house and I couldn't help but smile when Harry heard him say that. The look on his face priceless as I held Zayn's hand and walked towards his flat with him.

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