Here to relive your darkest moments

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Thanks to everyone who has been reading! It means so much to me and I cant believe I have over 3,000 reads!!!! I appriciate the positive feedback from this story. You all are amazing.

xxx- Ashton


It's been nearly 3 hours since I had that chat with Mrs. Peterson, and now it was nearly 1 in the afternoon.And ever since my appointment with her I couldn't help but think about what she had said. "Don't be like me and spend a lifetime lying to yourself saying you made the right decision when deep down you know you didn't" In a way she knew how I was feeling. The constant fight between my mind and my heart.

Here I was 5 months pregnant with Harry Styles' baby sitting in a hair salon, thinking about how terrible my life was when in all actuality it wasn't bad at all. I was just too busy bitching to realize I had a good life.

Maybe Harry did deserve to know.?

A sudden Idea hit me.

I stood up and walked over to Cassandra who was counting tips at the front desk.

"Hey, I need a favor" she looked at me curiously.

"Sure, anything" I smiled at her then pulled out my phone.

"I need you to cut style and dye my hair like this girls." I said pulling up pictures of Harry and I on google images. She sighed and shook her head.

"Ellie, you're not seriously trying to look like this girl are you?" I shook my head, damn I had her fooled bad.

"No, I just like her hair" I said trying to make it sound oblivious and sincere.

"Isn't she like british and like extremely hated for leaving Harry Styles?" a lump arose in my throat and I fought back the urge to cry, and to explain my reasoning.

"Yeah, I think, wait, how'd you know about that?" She chuckled and started getting out the things to do my hair. I sat in the chair as she looked at me with a 'are you serious face'

"Ellie, I have a 13 year old daughter, all I ever hear about is those boys and their relationship scandals and blah blah blah" I laughed "I'm almost 100% certain the one names Lewis is gay" I bit my tongue fighting the urge to yell at her.

"Louis, and I don't think he is" She loked at me with a 'what did you just say face' and I thought that was it, I chckled and looked back at her.

"I have a niece who loves those boys" Cassandra laughed with me before tilting me back and running my hair under the water.

"Right, well we beter get busy on your hair girly"I was thankful Cassandra didn't know the truth, but I knew as soon as my hair was done I wouldn't be fooling anyone anymore.

So this was it, no more hiding anymore. Time to face realitly.

The four hour process of getting me looking back to normal was finally over and everybody was about to see the real me. I walked out of the bathroom and showed Cassandra.

She clsped her had on her mouth and her eyes grew wide

"Ho- ly shit"

I looked down at the ground because I knew she was now processing everything

"Why didn't you tell me?" I sighed

"I know you're probably mad but please hear me out I had tried so hard to keep who I used to be a secret that I just couldn't bring myself to tell you, I wanted too, I really did" she folded her hand across her chest

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