Heart of poison -Heartbroken tears-

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 I entered my bedroom and found Rosie, but not my typical friendly, peppy Rosie, no she had been crying. Her eyes had swelled up and gone red, her nose was running and tiny sniffles could be heard beneath the blanket of hair that covered her face.

"Oh my god Rosie? Whats wrong?" I said almost in disbelief that someone as happy and bright as Rosie could cry.

 "I..I." she stuttered as she tried to speak, so I gently laid my hand on her back reassuringly.                 

"It's Nathan..." she breathed heavily and my stomach churned as I had a feeling I knew what was coming.

"He left me". She broke out into another wave of loud sobs and I closed my eyes, wishing that what Rosie was telling me now was just a nightmare, or some kind of sick joke.

Nathan had been with Rosie since I could remember, when I turned I was found by Rosie and Nathan, they kindly took me back to there civilisation of vampires and the elders sympathized and agreed to let me stay and be taken care of. They taught me how to control the blood lust that devoured my life. As a fledgling I was alone, discarded in a forest after waking from what felt like a nightmare, I was utterly confused and had no recollection of what had happened at the time. The only thing running through my mind was the thought of blood. All my mind could process was the warm, silky sweet taste of blood and how much I would need to drink before I was finally content.

Thinking back to those desperate times and how they had helped me I realized that I couldn't just sit back and pretend Rosies' heartbreak wasn't real. I had to go and see Nathan and knock some sense into that brain of his.

-Nathans POV-

I tried to steady my breathing as I walked into my room,  as I closed the door tears fell quickly from my eyes and I started to pace. My vision blurring through salty tears and my mind barley focusing on anything. It was a mystery how i'd even staggered home after breaking Rosies' heart. I barley remember walking into my house, let alone trudging up the stairs to my room.

I sniffled back more cries and shuffled to my bed, I sat down, but the squishy matress gave me no comfort, my hands shook as they ran through my thick blond hair. What have I done? It wasn't my fault I argued with myself,  I had to leave Rosie, although it hurt me inside I knew it would hurt her more if she knew what I was a part of.

"The AVA" I stuttered aloud, barley audible.

 A sickening organization that every night I wished I wasn't a part of. It was breaking me inside. Murdering the man I once was.

I was wrong to think this day wouldn't come, I knew deep down i'd have to let Rosie go, she wouldn't love me if she knew what I really did when I said I was going out running alone. I was just to much of a risk to her and to Xena. If I had known Xena would be involved in my work then I never would have signed that damn contract.

The very contract that binds me to something so vile, it made me sick.


Ok just one thing: Pay VERY close attention to Nathans' POV because it's giving away a lot of clues. I can't tell you anymore though i'm afraid ;)

Ok well I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry it's so short though



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