Heart of Poison -AB negative-

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Ok you're probably wondering, wow why so chirpy? Well its because i've been working on new stories at the moment which I'm REALLY excited about!!! So you can look forward to those. :D



xxx -Unknown POV- xxx

"Shh!" I hissed at Leo as he rolled his eyes. So immature. I repositioned my back against the wall and turned my head so my ear rested on the cold surface of the wall.

"No!" an extreme voice boomed throughout the desolate tunnels and echoed off the grey walls. This voice, this growling voice chilled me, I shivered and Leo placed his hand gently on my arm and I gave a small smile in his direction. I whipped my head around as a loud bang came from behind the very wall I was leaning on.

"You are idiots, I told you to kill them did I not?!"

"Yes sir" trembling murmurs followed.

"Just get it done, I want everyone of those vile creatures dead!" I could almost see the scowl on his face, feel it burning through me. There were a few whispers of "Yes sir" and "Will do sir." There was a scraping of chairs and a rustle of papers and I turned to Leo. With his head he gestured in the direction we had had come and I nodded. Once the frightened people had left the room we had  virtually disappeared, gone without a trace. After all that was our job.

xxx -Xenas' POV- xxx

"This is ridiculous!" I groaned and knocked for the billionth time. Ok maybe it was only 7 but whose counting? I tapped my foot and started snooping around Nathans plant pots and under his welcome mat trying not to look to obvious. I raised an eyebrow at Nathans choice of colour  for the flowers. Purple and pink. Wow...I hope that was Rosie because otherwise he's gay. I found a key partially hidden in between the flowers. Really, that easy? I was at least expecting some booby traps so I could show off my ninja skills, but owell.

I turned the key in the lock with a click and strolled in shutting the door and looking around.

"Nathan?" I called out through the silence. No reply, weird. I shrugged and peered in every room on the downstairs floor, hoping to find Nathan helplessly resting on the couch, it's always fun the jump out at someone when they're unaware. I reached the kitchen and stopped when my gaze landed on the fridge. I wonder what could be in there? I thought to myself sarcastically.

I subconsciously licked my lips and the tip of my fangs poked out of my mouth.

"I'm sure Nathan wont mind" I assured myself as I knelt down by the fridge. I opened the door and the cool air hit my transfixed face, the sweet smell drifting to my nose. My eyes went severely wide and turned a blood red. I reached in with a steady hand and picked out my favourite type. AB negative, very rare. All thoughts left my head as my vampire primal instincts kicked in purely filling my brain with visions of hunting. I tore the pack open with my teeth with ease and gulped down the coppery goodness.

"Mmmm" my eyes flickered shut.

"Slam!"  The noise filled the house and I dropped the near empty bag, looking up to the ceiling to where it had come from.


Once again thanks for reading. I tried to add more of Xenas' vampire side in this one so you could see that she isn't so innocent! ;D  Hope you like it.



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