Heart of poison -Goose bumps-

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ENJOY my little bunnies 

That was actually really clever...ya know cause the stories nickname is HOP, as in HOP like a bunny ;) I do these things for a reason, it's not just my crazyness.


I must admit that I was pretty startled by the loud bang that was still fresh in my ears. Normally I would have been terrified letting my imagination go wild as I thought of the scariest things my mind could muster. Things truly horrifying like:




Old women in bikinis...

I bit my lip and rose to my feet the silence throughout the house filling my body with dread. I felt some stray blood that had leaked from my mouth, tiny sparkling droplets on my chin that trickled onto my jaw bone. I wiped them away with the my sleeve. So what i'm not that classy, gimme a break.

I pondered for a moment on going upstairs and as I peered into the eery looking hall my stomach churned. Ok, now im scared. I swallowed the lump in my throat and slowly lifted my eyes to the upstairs landing, what could be up there? I swear if my heart could still beat it would thump out of my chest right now.

What if someone was up there? A murderer? Maybe even a serial killer, who would take me back to his house and burn me to death in a torture chamber! Wow, i'm getting ahead of myself here.. Still, it could be anyone, if I went up there could I be sure that i'd come back down? I shook my head, unless they had a thick wooden stake i'd be fine. Unless I died of fright, and at the moment that seemed quite likely.

"Calm down Zen, it's probably just the wind knocking something over." I reassured myself although I wasn't exactly convincing.

Step by shaky step I made my way to the bottom of the staircase my breath catching in my throat at the slightest stir. I looked up the carpeted stairs. There's still time to chicken out. I looked around hoping, praying that someone would appear telling me to "stay here, it's to dangerous!"

Unfortunately I was alone.

I started up the stairs, wincing on every step pleading that it wouldn't creak and alert anyone or thing that was in the house. As silently as possible I stepped onto the landing quickly trying to get away from the stairs, just in-case they decided to groan under my weight. Thankfully I hadn't made to much noise. Looking between the doors my breathing quickened. Which one could this possible killer/ psychopath be lurking in? The bathroom? The bedroom? Listening carefully I heard a faint rustle of papers from within Nathans' bedroom. What could they be doing in there...? Thank god for vampire senses.

I slowly crept over to Nathans' bedroom door, debating on whether or not to proceed or run screaming all the way home. I'll stay, I couldn't just let some weirdo creep around Nathans' house now could I? I came face to face with the door. Should I knock? I mentally slapped myself, it's not like they would say,

"Come on in, i'm not busy!" I'm such an idiot sometimes.

Letting out a long, trembling breath I reached for the handle, wrapping my hand around it's cool surface. Slowly turning it I prepared myself for the worst. The door was silent as it glided open with ease.

I peered inside the now deadly silent room.


"What the?" I searched the room with my eyes, were they hiding? Loosing my fear I began opening every door in the small, cozy room. I looked under the bed, in the wardrobe and in his bedside cabinet, but all I found there were more blood bags. Luckily I had just fed. Still nothing. I even opened every draw, except the small top draw of the dresser, guessing it included boxers and other manly items. After my miniature room investigation I concluded that no one was here.

Puzzled, my brows furrowed as it tapped my foot curiously. Crossing my arms I felt the rough texture of goose bumps, only then realizing just how cold it was. Looking up from the bumps that covered my skin, my gaze fell upon an open window. Wide enough for someone to fit through.

I rushed over to it, hoping to find clues as to what or who had been in the very room I was standing in now. Nothing once again. I let out an irritated breath, I suck as a detective.

I placed my fingers under the slidy part of the window and closed it, as it hit the window pane it let out a gentle thud. Then it dawned on me, it dawned on me like the sun dawned on the morning dew.

Carefully I lifted the slidy part again until it met another wooden beam to stop it. It made a similar quiet thud. Pulling it back down to the pane with more force I slammed it back open with until...

"BANG" An extremely similar sound washed over the empty house.

Who ever was here wasn't breaking in...

They were breaking out.


Hope you enjoyed that everyone, things will pick up pace and make more sense eventually haha

thanks for reading xx


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