Heart of poison -Bittersweet irony-

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Hello there people of earth! Ok so I really enjoyed this chapter and i'm not really sure why but I hope you enjoy it too! <3



This makes no sense whatsoever.

 I mean I can understand someone wanting to break in. I mean there are a lot of thieves and horrible people out there, and also Nathan has some pretty expensive things, he was seriously loaded! I remember he had bought Rosie a diamond encrusted bracelet with the words “I’ll love you forever” delicately carved into the glamorous silver. Not that those words turned out true it seemed.

 I’d always wondered how he came across all his money…maybe he really did earn it. I was never really sure, he never told me what he did before he met me and Rosie. In fact, come to think of it I don’t even think I know how old he really is. I would ask but he always chuckled and teased me saying “it’s for me to know, and for you to never find out.” Yeah he’s a childish asshole sometimes. In all honesty I’m not even sure if he ever told Rosie his real age. Maybe he didn’t want us to find out.

 Ok, I think I’m trying too hard to be a detective here.

I’m really off track, not a new thing for me though, I easily get distracted. Sometimes wondering off and often talking about something irrelevant and forgetting the original conversation.

 Now, where was I?

 I scanned Nathans room once more. Was it him who had used the window to get out? Wait, surely he would use the front door, after all this was his house. Maybe he was to devastated after breaking up with Rosie that he leaped from the window when he heard someone knock, to upset to see anyone.

 “Hmm, that kind of makes sense.” I thought aloud, glad there was no one around to hear me talk to myself. That would be awkward.

 I turned my body back to the window, facing it and leaned down, sticking my head out. I felt barley any breeze hitting my face. That was one thing that was bad about living below the earth, you never felt the wind touch your skin and mess up your hair, you never felt the rain drops trickle down your cheeks and drench your clothes. It wasn’t the same.

 I took in a deep, thoughtful breath, pondering for a moment on nothing in particular, just odd things that come to your mind without you realizing. The cold, bitter air ran through my lungs the scent of blood and death heavy in the air, the familiar aroma that surrounded this place. So strong I could almost taste it. I was used to the revolting, yet oddly normal smell. It constantly lingered wherever vampires were close.

 I heard the distant and distinct sounds of feet tapping gently against pavements and roads, cars virtually trudging past on worn and cracked roads.

 This place was dead, yet still alive. Such bittersweet irony.

 I sighed a slow sorrow filled sigh and pulled my head back through the window. I heard a gentle “flap” of a sound and a curious look crossed my face. I turned towards where the noise was coming from and proceeded towards Nathans desk.

 Looking down I saw a few pieces of paper all held down by heavy looking transparent paper weight. The corners fluttered slightly in the breeze that emanated from the still open window. All the papers seemed insignificant and I shrugged not really caring about what the papers consisted of. 

 I turned to walk away but just as my head turned I saw something in the corner of my eye. It sparked my interest.

 Looking down again I moved a few stray pieces of paper to see the letters that had caught my attention. I chewed my lip, concentrating hard on where I’d seen those letters before. Why can’t I remember? 

 With these three simple letters my mind fluttered just like the paper had. I continuously tried to recall where I knew them from but to no avail.

 They bombarded my brain. The three simple letters:



  I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did and if you find anything really confusing then just comment or private message me 



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