Heart of poison -Hidden city-

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Bonjour people of the world sorry it took so long please enjoy this chapter and I promise i'll keep up with updates! ;D


-End of Xenas' flashback-

My eyes widened as I gasped for another breath of the blood scented air, my heavy breathing was the only sound until.

"Are you ok...?" a soft recognisable voice sweetly chirped in my ear. I turned in a flash to see my life long friend Rosie, her shining hazel hair matched incredibly with her loving and gentle hazel eyes, surrounded with a dark rim. Her skin was odd, it was slightly tanned, it always puzzled me as to how it had a light tint of bronze even though, putting it bluntly she was dead. My skin however was a crisp, cold porcelain, just a little whiter then most. She stood shoulders faced outwards firmly, with one hand placed on her hip, she looked cocky and curious as to what my answer would be.

"Uh yeah, I'm fine." I said through my teeth with my best fake smile.

"Ok then." she said with one eyebrow raised, half believing my unconvincing lie. That was odd, I'm usually a really good liar. Obviously it's just not my day.

"Anyway it doesn't matter, now c'mon we have to get back, it's almost sunrise" she said rushing me and gesturing back the way we had come.

 "I'll be with you in sec, you go on i'll catch up."  She looked at me with an expression that read "I'm not going anywhere" I gave her one of my looks and nodded at her and back to the forest, hinting. She sighed deeply, rolling her loving hazel eyes and gave into my equally as impressive, pleading grey ones.

"Alright, but no more than five minutes it's a big day tomorrow." She looked at me with a face normally mothers only give. The irony, I hadn't seen my mother in years and yet, standing before me was the spitting image of her, inside and out.

Wait hold on? Big day... I completely forgot! It's the day the higher vampires have the annual meeting with the lower vampires from the other clans, to discuss who the new leader will be. They did the same every hundred years, even though the same family members were picked generation, after  generation, after generation. The Viruthians. It has been Walter Viruthian for the past one hundred years (so I was told) and I can guarantee it will be his son, Marcus Viruthian this year. They must cheat, or buy their way into it. The whole day is a waste of time, I despise every minute of it. We didn't need a leader us vampires were fine our own.

 I rolled my eyes, shook my head placed my hand on my hip. I kept it there until I turned once more to the silent and pale body, laying helplessly on the crunchy leaves. My hand dropped slowly as I looked away as a slight shiver ran all the way down my spine. I always regretted killing my victims, but I guess it's just the circle of life.

 Dawn was fast approaching and I had to move if I didn't want to be a roasting pile of ashes. I started to run, vampires as most know are indescribably fast, well we have to be otherwise the humans would escape, and we wouldn't get our meals. I ran faster feeling the smooth wind caress my pale skin I breathed in the miracle of icy morning air and my eyes fluttered as I felt heaven on earth. My hair dark brown hair flew back as I raced through the pine trees to our underground hideout.

 The dry autumn leaves and branches crunched under every step of my dark blue shoes. I loved the feeling it was like you're walking on clouds. No, it was more like your own magical wonderland, that no one could enter. It's breathtaking. I breathed in the heavy aroma of pine, damp wood and with my highly equipped sense of smell a distant scent of chimney smoke coming from the human territory.

I started to slow down because stopping directly causes you to fall hard, fast and flat on your face, as well as being extremely painful it also looks very unattractive. I squinted over the horizon and saw the first glimpse of the glorious sunlight, it was so beautiful. How I missed the sun, the way it brightens the whole sky with its magnificent beams of light, the way the white candyfloss clouds scatter across the sky, magnifying its features.

 I sighed and walked on past an ancient oak tree covered in dark green ivy that suffocated the trunk. It hid the entrance to the secret stairwell, hidden in the rock face, I patted the lumpy oak tree gently with a smile plastered across my face. I stepped quickly down the 142 steps, my feet didn't even begin to ache as I hummed to myself, I was always in a good mood after i'd been running.

Once i'd finished the 142 step journey I made my way into the heart of our small city and by city I mean a few medium sized skyscrapers that almost touched the lumpy roof of the hideout. There were also neatly placed houses, all connected by big main roads that broke off into smaller roads, almost like the branches of a tree. The houses were all different shapes and sizes yet all a dull grey colour. There was also a very old rundown building, furthest away from the stairwell, it was made of a grey, crumbling stone and was only ever used for city council meetings or important events. Such as the one tomorrow.

 I came to the end of my street after walking for about five minutes and turned on my heels fighting back the urge not to skip the rest of the way. I was now a few lifeless houses away and could see my home coming into view. Each house on Moonview street was, in there own way different from the next. Mine though stood out from all the rest and I smiled at this, walking past muted houses, until I came face to face with my adorable baby blue home.

 I stepped up to my pale yellow door (hand painted might I add) and dug out my keys from my jean pocket and unlocked the door with a click. I walked through, throwing my keys towards a small brown table, where they landed with a "clink". I followed my beige coloured walls to my shiny white bedroom door, I opened it with a grin, only to have it swept away...


Once again really sorry for the late upload! Hope you enjoyed it, I tried to make it long and descriptive :)  And don't be a ghost reader, if you liked it then vote and comment :D


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