Heart of poison -Crushed petals-

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Enjoy my dearests :)


xxx -Xenas' POV- xxx

As I Hurriedly walked passed forgotten grey house I practised the fiercest scowl I could muster and went over on my head what I would say, wait. Scream at Nathan when I saw him. Hmm should I start innocently, and pretend i'm none the wiser and then use the guilt trip? Nah, so not my style, Nathan was getting the full on Xena tornado of fury.

I hesitated for a moment and glanced back once again at the baby blue walls of my adorable home, knowing that i'd left a tearful pile of tissues and a puffy eyes Rosie in an exhausted pile on my bed. Thinking this, my house seemed to fade and lose all colour. I sighed my breath making icy clouds ahead of me. Why was it so cold? Normally the fact that we're underground keeps it a mild temperature. I peered towards the large flight of stairs that led up to the surface, strange. Looking back to my visible breath, I bit my lip knowing how this would usually bring a smile to my face.

For the rest of the lonely walk down the clean and dull streets I stared at my feet letting them drag along the pavement. I conjured up preposterous ideas of why anyone, especially Nathan would want to leave Rosie. I mean I highly doubt that she is a secret agent working for the Waffle Protection Programme. I shook my head and chuckled lightly.

 Looking up I vaguely saw Nathans dark green painted door up ahead, or shall I say, attempted painted door. I smiled at a memory of all three of us trying to paint it, we unsurprisingly failed and managed to get clumps of green paint in our hair. I smirked into the wind and realized how close I had come to Nathans door. I gulped regretting coming and turned my head back to where i'd be warm and away from fixing this drama. My stomach churned and I approached Nathans door and let out a jagged, worried breath. I stood up tall letting my inner confidence seep into my stance.

 "Here goes nothing..." I told myself.

I knocked

"Or everything" I muttered.

xxx -Rosies POV- xxx

Another wobbly whimper left my lips as I sniffled, my nose obviously a bright red. I had cried my self out of every salty tear I could summon, and right now my sadness was fading, only to be replaced with anger.

I jumped up from my crumpled position on Zens bed and let out a burst of anger with a scream. I took the nearest thing I could find and angrily threw it against the wall, it happened to be an empty tissue box and it didn't make a satisfying loud crash like a china plate would.

"Arghh!" I screamed once again and pummelled my fists into Zens pillow. I still couldn't believe Nathan, the unbelievably evil man who had shattered my heart into a million pieces and then left them scattered on the floor.

"Ugh! You are dead to me!" I wailed, fresh tears streaming down my face. I threw a vase against the wall, not caring for the Lilly petals that were now crumpled on the floor, crushed underneath shattered glass.

The loud crash was much more satisfying then a stupid tissue box.




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