Heart of poison -God damn gorgeous-

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Hello dear ones! I really hope you're enjoying the story so far, sorry it's been a while but I have just moved from Germany back to England (no i'm not German) and it has been hectic! I hope you enjoy this chapter as this is where it all starts really...

P.S Striga is Latin for evil spirit/vampire 


I barely slept that night. I tossed and turned, I mean who in their right mind could settle down and sleep after being disturbed by the most bone chilling phone call to ever have been received? Those last two words of the phone call still haunted me, they had made an awful cold chill slither down my spine like a sadistic serpent. A sinking feeling sat low in the pit of my stomach.

“Sleep while you still can” was that a threat? What am I saying of course it was a threat. Was someone planning on killing me or was it just a sick joke? It was probably a prank call. That had to be it.

But those two words...”sweet dreams”. Those icy whispered words still echoed through me. Axel had said those exact words to me, they travelled through the air as he disappeared after kissing me. It must have been him, he just wanted to scare, confuse or taunt me. Asshole.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to forget the events of last night, if someone wanted to kill me well they could go ahead and try. I’m a freaking vampire for crying out loud!

 I yawned and sat up stretching, making myself more alert. I could hear the distant voices of people outside my house, along the street and further. I gathered it was now night time up on the surface as I heard the stirring of others on the streets. I checked my phone quickly but threw it back down after it said I had no reply from Rosie, maybe she just didn't want to speak to anyone.

My stomach growled angrily demanding the sweet taste of fresh blood. I would just have to compromise with some ready packed blood bags or Ben and Jerrys later.  Although it wouldn’t provide the same thrilling chase.

Despite being anxious about leaving the safety of my warm covers for fear of being murdered, as I was previously warned, I swung my feet over the side of my bed, stretched again and rose to my feet.  Already missing the comfort and warmth.

Being the lazy person I am I once again ignored the discarded mess all over the floor and padded to my wardrobe. I would clean up later.

I knew that was a lie.

I threw on some tattered jeans and a worn down t-shirt, not caring about my appearance, whoever was seeing me tonight wasn’t exactly going to stick around long enough to criticize.

I prepared myself for the outside world to see me in all my...glory, but not much effort was put in. It never was.

I walked to the door grabbing my keys on the way and shut it behind me. I noticed something different. I listened intently and noticed how empty the streets were, how eerily silent the road outside my house had become. I stopped. I could hear cheers and shouts coming from the other side of the city, the voices of what seemed like the whole city appeared to be coming from the run down council hall.

Confusion covered my face but was soon replaced with an annoyed expression. Of course! It’s the stupid annual election of the highest vampire, or shall I say re-election? We all knew what family would once again put forth another heir to be chosen. Those god damn Viruthians.

I rolled my eyes and gave up on the idea of getting a fresh meal, it was required that every vampire within the city must attend the election. I closed my eyes briefly and within seconds I was standing at the edge of the cheering mass of people, stirring outside of the large dated building. Cracks had made their way up the large colanders either side of the entrance and the wide concrete steps had been barricaded to stop anyone clambering up them to meet the Viruthians close up. Not that you would want to.

I waited what felt like hours amongst the overly eager crowd, growing more and more impatient by the second and becoming tired of their constant outbursts of

“I love you Marcus!” or “Viruthians for the win!” What was the world coming to?

After an agonizing wait it seemed like the Viruthians were finally ready to greet the public. The large crowd of people screamed louder than ever thought possible and fought their way closer to the front. Jeez you would think these people were celebrities or something.

I tapped my foot in aggravation as Walter Viruthian the previous highest vampire walked through the large marble doors followed by a very cocky, smug looking Marcus Viruthian. The women throughout the crowd almost lost it, I swear at one point the women next to me began crying. I couldn't quite blame them, although I had a strong disliking for Marcus he was just a tad good looking.  Ok so he was god damn gorgeous can you blame me for thinking it?

I stared at him for a moment, his luscious dark brown hair cascaded in thick curls around his face, exaggerating his hard square jaw line. His plump lips were pulled up into a grin as he stared at the public with a sense of power surrounding him. His defined grey eyes locked onto people in the crowd as he radiated a deep sense of darkness. I pulled my eyes away, sure he was attractive but he knew it, he was the type of guy who says “hey sexy” to himself in the mirror.

I showed my disgust as he stood in front of the podium, looking ready to give a speech that I would most likely ignore.

“Good evening vampires of Striga city” he began with a smouldering look, trying to pander to the female audience. 

“As you all know I have come here today to accept and begin my reign of the highest vampire. I will kindly and truthfully lead our kind further into the promising future that awaits us. I will lead with a firm but fair hand as did my father, whom I shall be replacing as your leader, he led you well and now as I have been elected I will begin my reign, as his heir.  Striga city it delights me to know that the beginning of a new age begins here, in this very spot and I believe...”

I stopped listening after that, I couldn't stand to waste my time listening to these lies that he's shoving down our throats. Nothing would change, we would still be here in years to come, living in this dump.

I figured I wasn’t obliged to stay here any longer so I decided to shove my way through the crowd that had swallowed me and headed toward the stairs leading up to the surface.

I was so glad when I had reached the surface that I hadn’t been stopped by anyone and that I didn't have to listen to the idiot down there drone on about “the future”. I trudged forward, kicking leaves and rotting branches out of my way as I walked to god knows where.

 I breathed gently and stared at the moon with a bored expression. Why did we even need a leader to rule over us? What did they even do? I knew that nothing would ever change, i’d be stuck like this forever, living the same day over and over. I sometimes wish something exciting would happen. But it never does. I have to face facts that my life is boring and it will stay this way.

I stopped walking and stood staring up at the stars, a gentle touch of wind blew through the forest and I wished a silent wish to myself that what Marcus Viruthian said was somehow true. That there would be a change.

A branch snapped behind me and a deep voice broke the calm silence.

“I see you didn't like my speech?”


Thanks once again to all the people who have voted, fanned and added this to your reading lists! Love you guys :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2012 ⏰

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