Heart of poison -Repressed memories-

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Hey guys sorry it's been a while since my last update but school just started again and that means homework! I'll try my best to keep up. ENJOY! :D


Do you ever get that extremely irritating moment when, try as you might, your brain just refuses to remember?

Well I have that right now...and it's driving me insane!

My hands clawed through my slightly tangled hair as I huffed. My brain itched to remember but every time I came close to revealing what those three letters meant, my thoughts virtually dissolved.

It was just like a repressed memory, one that over the years I had trained my mind to forget, to banish anything close to it. Had I known what "AVA" meant earlier in life? Had someone told me, did I read it somewhere? It was so puzzling to think that maybe, had I not forced myself to forget, then I wouldn't be in this frustrating position.

I glared at the wall, as if it was the fault of the beige plaster and bricks that I forgot the meaning of the three letters. I let out a barley audible growl, the feral sound emanating around me. This is going to bug me all day.

I snatched the piece of paper from the table, internally cursing those damn letters. I tightened my fist around the weak paper, crushing it in my palm as I took one final glance around. I confirmed that nothing else was of interest and I stalked out of the room and closed the door carefully.

If Nathan comes back I don't want him thinking someone was in his room shifting through his stuff. I mean I did do that, but I didn't want him thinking I did!

I crept downstairs quietly even though I knew no one was in the house and craned my head to see through all the rooms at once. Everything was the way I found it except for the empty blood bag that was strewn carelessly on the shiny tiled floor.

Trudging towards it I was thankful that there wasn't any droplets that had spilt onto the floor. I don't really feel like cleaning, actually I never do.

I picked up the blood bag and tossed it into the bin with ease, when I saw something familiar standing on the dark marble counter. I had to look closer, I didn't want to get my hopes up, just to let them down. I focused onto the three faces in the picture and smiled lightly.

Reaching towards it I picked up the heavy wooden frame that housed a very precious picture indeed. It was the picture me, Rosie and Nathan had taken a few days after we had met. We had all clicked almost immediately, it was like it was fate that we would all become best friends. Sounds cheesy I know but I couldn't really put it any other way.

I studied our faces, we all looked so happy, you could see it in our eyes. I felt a sharp pang of pain course through me. Some things change to fast...

I ran my fingertips along the dark pine frame lightly, setting the picture back down in its place. Tears were brimming in my eyes, I couldn't look at it anymore.

xxx -Nathans POV- xxx

I lifted my weary red eyes up to the alarm clock placed on my bedside table, half five? I groaned, I had been sat here, limp on my bed crying for an hour and a half.

My heart throbbed and my eyes threatened to break like dams, letting more painful tears spill through.

I had to leave, I couldn't just sit here pathetically, wallowing in my pain. Although at the moment that's all I really wanted to do. If I stayed here it would cause to many problems, for one i'd have to face Rosie eventually and I don't think my heart could take that. I'd also be hassled by the AVA as to why I hadn't completed the task I was set.

Standing up I wiped some stray tears from my cheeks and walked to my wardrobe, opening it I reached for my rucksack that was laying untouched on the top shelf. Pulling it off I shifted through my clothes and picked a few t-shirts, trousers and jumpers. Packing them I placed my rucksack onto my bed and began hunting through the house for other necessities such as toiletries and few blood bags that I had stashed in my bedside table, just incase I was to lazy to go downstairs. I don't think it will take me very long to get to the AVA's hideout but I was just preparing for the very worst.

If I needed to I could make a quick stop into human territory and feed, but I doubt i'll get that hungry. Over the years I had trained my body to go longer and longer without needing blood. Nodding to myself in approval I gave the room a once over, making sure I had everything I would need. I walked towards the door when I heard knocking, coming from the front door.

I froze in my spot, scared to move. Who was that? I wasn't expecting anyone, was it Rosie? I smelt the air and gulped, recognizing the scent. It smelled like strawberry's and champagne, Xenas' perfume...

She must have heard what happened between me and Rosie and decided to come and tell me how stupid I was. I wasn't really surprised, Xena was a very strong character and was always one to stand up for her friends. This must be hard on her, to have both of her friends suddenly just separate, whilst she just had to sit back and watch.

The knocking turned into impatient pounding and I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding. I looked around panicked and my breathing picked up pace. I heard Xena moving the plant pots Rosie had bought me on the doorstep, what is she doing? I heard her start to unlock my door, I almost laughed at how she just decided to barge in so bluntly. She was always one for politeness.

"Nathan?" I heard her walk into my downstairs hall quietly calling my name. I was silent, I couldn't let her know I was here, I couldn't face her...

I rested my head against the door and listened to her footsteps through my house, she stopped in the kitchen, below my bedroom and I didn't hear anything more then rustling. Seeing this as an opportunity to escape I debated on whether or not to risk sneaking downstairs and going through the front door.

I decided against it, Xena would hear me and storm over expecting answers. I turned around, and looked up, facing my window. Without hesitation I hurried over to the window and yanked it open with force. It made a loud thud and I bit my lip, I looked down at the floor. Xena definitely heard that. I scrambled out, and without a seconds thought I leapt from the ledge into my back garden silently. Being a vampire comes with a load of perks.

Looking back at my house I began walking towards the gate at the end of my small, understated garden. As I left I closed the gate quietly and strolled down the mirky alleyway, nervous that Xena would rush out and stop me. She didn't.


OMG ok I tried to make this really long for you guys! I hope you liked seeing Nathans side of things. And please if you've enjoyed my story so far then VOTE AND COMMENT :D Id love to here what you think.


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