Chapter One

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This chapter has been re written.
I also have a BEN Drowned x Reader

Please note: this book is not written as well as the second or third and is in the process of being re-written. 👻

     ~~~(Y/N) POV~~~
I sat at my desk that was piled high with papers. It seemed like there was a never ending supply of them just taking over my day.
I was just about to take a sip of my water when Dark Link burst in through the door.

"Ever heard of knocking? I'm busy you know!" I said, frustrated.
"Sorry (Y/N)... Lord Zalgo wants to see you in his chambers as soon as possible." Dark Link said hastily as he turned to exit my room.
"Ok, I'm coming now." I said as I sat up from my desk.

I pulled open my chamber's door and stepped out into the dim lit tunnel of the under realm. I know these winding pathways like the back of my hand. I know the way to the water springs, the dungeons, the training areas, the library, and most importantly, Zalgo's chamber.
After a short while I arrived by his door and knocked.

"Enter." I heard him say.
I awkwardly walked inside. Zalgo was very intimidating...
"You requested my presence my lord." I said politely as I took a seat in front of him.
"Yes (Y/N), I have an important mission to assign you with." Zalgo said.
I suddenly felt a rush of excitement. I had never really done an official mission before and I had been waiting years for this opportunity.

"You have done an excellent job here in the under world, carrying out errands and interrogations, as you are now 16 I think you are ready to take missions outside the under world."
I couldn't help but gasp slightly. I hadn't expected to be offered a job on the surface. I hadn't really told anyone, but I had found many books in the library about the outside world. It fascinated me. I had read about the sun, the stars, the seas, forests, animals, mountains and much more. I desperately wanted to see them. And now was my chance!

"I would be honoured to carry out any mission you assign me to." I said calmly. I didn't want to seem silly in front of my master.

"As you are my most trusted supporter, I am letting you find and be a double agent and gather information about Slender mansion."

My heart started to beat faster than ever before. My first mission - the Slender mansion! The mansion had been an ongoing topic here in the underworld. You see, Slenderman is Zalgo's biggest rival it was crucial that we eradicate him.
"I will not fail you master."

"You are to head to a near by village called Billson Wood. There you must find where the CreepyPastas are killing and follow them. This may take a few days but report back to me as soon as you gather the coordinates of the mansion. Then you must examine the mansion and those who reside in it. Then once we're ready - we shall attack them. You will leave tonight." Zalgo said.

"Yes my lord." I said as he handed me information papers. I bowed and walked out of the dungeon. I decided I would head to the training area and tell my friends about the new mission.

I walked inside and saw Dark Link, the Rake, Clockwork, The Bloody Painter and Judge Angel. The training arena was a fairly large cavern that had a small pool of water in he corner. It had the most fire torches than any other part of he underworld so it was the best place to train.
"Hey everyone." I said taking a seat next to Clockwork.
"You'll never guess the mission I have from Zalgo," I said to her. excitement buzzed around my stomach. I couldn't wait to start my mission. Although, I was still pretty nervous.

"Tell me!" She said happily. I had a good relationship with Clockwork. I was lucky to have her as a friend.

"Awesome! I'm really happy for you (Y/N)." She said.
"I'll finally be able to get revenge on Slenderman. I was so young I can't remember anything but Zalgo told me that Slenderman abandoned me and left me for dead when I was a baby... But Zalgo saved me. And for that I want revenge! On him and all his stupid friends!" I said with pure hatred.
"You will do amazing (Y/N), I know it." Clockwork said her arms folded a smile on her face.

~~~Time Skip to you leaving~~~

I stood in front of all my friends my throwing knives in my belt and my bow and arrows on my back. I was grinning like an idiot for awhile, however, when Lord Zalgo walked in my expression became sincere.
"Here are the coordinates of the town I would like you to go to, there have been many people going 'missing' in that area so you would have the highest chance of finding one of Slenderman's CreepyPastas. Good luck (Y/N) Report back when you find the mansion." Zalgo instructed.
"Of course my lord." I said as I bowed my head respectfully.

I took in a deep calming breath as I walked slowly towards the glowing portal. My arms were covered in goosebumps and I was shivering in anticipation.
"Bye everyone, I'll be back soon." I said smiling and meeting Clockworks gaze.
I closed my eyes and stepped into the portal before I knew it I was standing in the middle of... A forest? I had read about these... They're even more breath taking than the pictures... As I have lived in the under realm for as long I can remember, made seeing things like this is extraordinary.

I smiled and looked up to the sky. There it was. The sun. I smiled and absorbed it's warmth. This was real, natural, light. Not a dull red glow of a fire torch.That's all there ever was in the under world. Of course, being the only real light source I had ever remembered experiencing, I hadn't realised just how horrible it was until now. The sun was so beautiful. So were the trees, and the birds! The surface was phenomenal!

After taking in all the amazing features of the forest, I took a look at the information Lord Zalgo had given to me. He had presented me with the coordinates of the village I had to go to, to see if I could spot any of the CreepyPastas killing. I also had information on Slenderman and his three proxies.

The village was only a short walk away from where I was. I decided to start going towards it.
"It's so beautiful here." I whispered to myself though I was always on guard. I was in Slenderman's woods after all.

I finally arrived at the village and the sun was just beginning to set. I sat on a branch and watched as it sank beneath the trees. The orange glow fascinated me. I waited until it was dark and I crept out of the trees and sprung onto a roof. The time ticked by. I was beginning to loose my patience. It had been at least three hours and I was still waiting. 'Why did I think this would be easy?' I thought.

I glanced over at a window. There was light shining through some thin curtains.
Suddenly something splattered across the window. I gasped slightly, that has to be blood! 'I decided to go over to the house. I put an arrow into my bow and held it down by my waist and made my way to the roof of the building where i thought I saw the blood.

Three people jumped out of the window. 'The proxies!' I screamed silently. They were the only CreepyPastas, apart from Slenderman, that I knew about.

They moved swiftly over the rooftops not making any noise. I forward rolled so I was no longer visible to them. 'Idiots! They didn't even notice me!' I thought.
Then I proceeded to follow them. I wouldn't fail my master!

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