Chapter Six

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~~~(Y/N) POV~~~

I woke up the next morning and thought about last night with Jeff. It was actually quite fun... But I still hated Jeff. It took one hour of scrubbing to get all the mud out of my hair and and clothes! I suddenly remembered that I had to go shopping for the party with Jeff this morning... I sighed I frustration.

*Knock Knock*

"Who is it?" I called.
"Sally!" Called a chirpy voice.
"Come in!" I said sweetly.
"Hi DN, later I'm going dress shopping with Jane and Nina. We really want you to come as well!" She said.
"Of course I'll go." I smiled kindly as she skipped out the door. I sighed as I began to make notes on all the people here, I HAD to make these subtle and I had to hide them well because if they're found my cover is blown. I suddenly pictured Sally being hurt and I winced. 'Do I really want do this?' I thought but quickly brushed it off. 'Of course you do (Y/N) you have to get revenge on Slenderman!' I told myself. but every day I stayed here it seemed more and more like home...

   I walked down the stairs into the lounge in a pair of black jeans a (f/c) t-shirt and (2/f/c) hoodie with a pair of converse /vans (whatever you want idk 😹). I saw Jeff sitting on the sofa with Ben playing video games. Slender had previously given me some money to spend on the food.

"Jeff I'm leaving without you!" I yelled as I walked out the doors.
"Wait up!" I heard him scream as he ran over to you.
"Come on then. We've got a bit of money to spend and Slender said you had to change into your human form or something?" I asked.
"Yeah just let me do it quickly." Jeff said walking off into the trees. I waited a few minutes and he came out the bush. He looked completely different!

His jet black hair was light brown and his sinister smile was completely gone. He had eyelids and bright blue eyes and his hoodie was plain white instead of blood splattered.

"Don't stare!" He whined sounding... embarrassed? "I know I'm not beautiful anymore but there's no need to rub it in!" He sulked and I gave him a 'wtf' glance and carried on walking after him.

Once I got into the human dimension the forest was bright and the bird song calmed me as I walked. The morning dew made the plants sparkle. I walked out of the forest, that Jeff seemed to know like the back of his hand, soon we both came into the main shopping centre.
"Okay," I began. "What sort of stuff do you want? I'm going to go and get some waffles for Toby and cheesecake for Masky and Hoodie."
Jeff nodded.
"Okay cow face, I'll get the rest!" He said running into the store.
"Hey I thought he were done with that???!!" I yelled earning confused looks from passers by.
"Never!" He laughed as the anger fumed off you.
'Ugh and I thought things were getting better!' I thought, angrily stomping into the store.
I grabbed tonnes of waffles and three different flavour Cheesecakes and my jaw dropped as I saw Jeff. His arms were filled to the brim with crisps, chocolates, sodas and a tonnes of snacks. There were several bags of each thing.
"Jeff!!!!!! Why did you get so much?!" I whisper screamed as he held the food.
"What this is party food!" He said stupidly.
"Slender only gave us fifty dollars!" (I'm not from the USA but I know that's where CreepyPastas are from so...)
"You can get those things but one of each thing." I said stubbornly turning up my nose. Jeff glared at me but did as as told. He came bag with about a third of the original amount of stuff he had. The man at the till gave me and Jeff our bags of food and soda and we both walked out of the shop.

    ~~~(Y/N) POV~~~

"Can't wait to get out of this stupid human form..." Jeff grumbled as we both walked back into the forest.
Once Jeff and I got back into the CreepyPasta dimension Jeff ran off into the trees and came back looking like the killer he was.

We both arrived at the mansion and pushed open the doors and I really wasn't surprised to be greeted with the usual chaos of the CreepyPasta mansion.
"DN'S BACK!!!!!!!!! WE CAN GO SHOPPING NOW!!!!!!!!!!!" Sally squealed running around joyfully. Jane and Nina smiled at me and I smiled back. I laid the food bags down on the table and Slender walked in.
'Thank you Jeffery, Deadly Nightshade." Slender sent and I smiled in response.

"Shall we go shopping now?" Jane said I nodded and Sally was bouncing up and down like a mad thing.

The party will be in the next few chapters! 😜 see you then 👓

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