Chapter Twelve

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~~~(Y/N) POV~~~

I woke up the next day to Jane yelling. 'Probably yelling at Jeff...' I thought as I dragged my self out of bed. I stretched my stiff limbs and walked into the shower.

~~~Time Skip~~~

As I walked downstairs I was greeted with the usual chaos of the mansion.
"DN!!!" Squealed Sally as she threw herself into my arms.
"Hey Sally." I said.
"Jane almost killed Jeff!" She whisper screamed.
"Awwww!!! Why didn't she kill him!" I said pouting.
"I know you like him DN!" Sally smirked.
'Oh no... Not Sally too! I don't even know if I like Jeff! I just don't know! He's so annoying but so intriguing... NO. No, no, no, no (Y/N) Jeff is not intriguing. You hate him.' I told myself.
"I don't like him in that way." I said trying to sound nonchalant.
"Hmmmm, well I think he likes you too." She smirked eyes fixed on the other side of the room.
"What are you looking at?" I asked turning my head to see what she was looking at. Jeff. He was looking right at me emotionless. My face turned a light shade of pink. 'Damn you life why do you hate me?!' I thought as Sally giggled.

I shook my head hastily and walked to the kitchen. Grabbing some (f/b/s favourite Breakfast Food). After I finished I put the plate in the sink and sat down on the sofa.
Training! I had completely forgotten about Zalgo's orders! I was about to head up stairs when somebody grabbed my arm.
"Hey Cow Face what ya' doing?" Jeff asked.
"Uh, I'm going to go training now if you'll excuse me." I began trying to twist out of his grip.
"Me too! How about we train together?" He smirked. I knew he was up to something but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
"Okay, but you better not be planning something." I said cautiously as I continued my journey to my bedroom.

I came back downstairs in my signature black t-shirt and black jeans with my bow in had and my belt of knives. 'This is going to be interesting...' I thought trying to ignore the slight excitement I was feeling.

Jeff was waiting in the clearing sharpening his knives.
"You ready?" I asked sitting down on a log.
"Yeah." He replied standing up. "Hit me with your best shot." He said his voice was cocky and I wasn't going to let it stay that way.
I held my knives in hand as I got into a fighting stance my legs were steady but my hands shook slightly.
He sprung at me and I swiftly stepped to the left. Throwing myself into his back but painfully hitting the floor. I winced and pulled myself up dodging Jeff's attacks.
'Okay (Y/N), what did Zalgo teach you! Think outside the box!' I thought frantically as I awkwardly swerved away from Jeff's razor sharp knives. Before Jeff could react I dropped to my knees and pushed his legs watching him fall backwards onto the ground. I scrambled up and held my knife to his throat as I held down his hands and held down his chest with my legs.
"Child's play." I smirked.
"Um, would you mind not sitting on me DN." Jeff asked awkwardly. I only just realised what I was doing. I really was sitting on his chest.
"Y-yeah sorry..." I mumbled clumsily climbing off him.

"You're a good fighter you know." He said sounding honest.
"Uh thanks. I guess." I mumbled.
"Do you wanna' go for a walk?" He asked. WHAT?! 'Since when is Jeff being nice?! This is probably some sort of dare or prank...' I thought.
"Yeah sure." I answered.
"Cool come on then!" Jeff said walking quickly into the thick woodland.
"I really love it in this forest, it makes me feel free." I blurted out. 'Oh my life he is probably going to make fun of me for saying that...' I thought mentally face palming.
"You know what, I feel the same about it." Jeff said smiling, not a sadistic, bone chilling smile, a warm, happy smile.
"Where did you live before you came to the mansion?" Jeff asked.
"I lived alone, slept in the trees." I lied hoping he'd believe me.
"All your life?" Jeff asked.
"Pretty much." I replied.
"Well here we are!" Jeff said holding out his hands and before us both stood a breath taking lake. The water shimmered in the sunlight and the fragile ripples of the water made it look even more beautiful.
"Almost as beautiful as me isn't it." Jeff said snapping you out of you day dream.
"What are you taking about your not beautiful!" I exclaimed.
"I am." He smirked.
"Do you come here a lot?" I asked walking closer to the waters edge.
"Sometimes, not really that much." Jeff said shrugging and as he walked over to where I was standing. I became a bit nervous and took a step back so I was right on the waters edge.

Jeff took another step closer and began to lean in. My heart race and and everything around me became a blur. 'Was he going to kiss me?!' I thought not knowing what to do. I was frozen solid!

His face came closer, closer, closer.
Then I felt myself being pushed back wards!!
SPLASH!!! Jeff had tricked me. I was so angry I felt like I could explode and set fire to the whole forest...

Hope you liked it 😁 thank you for reading💜

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