Chapter Five

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~~~Second Person POV~~~

You walked behind Jeff. Wondering what killing technique he used. 'What ever it is it can't be pretty.' You thought to yourself looking at his blood stained hoodie.
"Yo, Cow Face," He began, you had just learned to ignore being called 'Cow Face' despite how much your blood boiled at the words. "How many people do you wanna' kill?"
"Somebody who deserves it." You said. You liked to see people suffer whom deserved to suffer.

"There are some documents here about the people in the village." Jeff said stopping and holding out some papers. You approached him to take them, but during the process you tripped over a tree stump. You screamed in shock and slipped backwards into a pile of mud. Jeff was laughing so hard you thought his lungs would explode. Scratch that. You hoped his lungs would explode. Your back was covered in mud and so was your bow. And the back of your (h/c) hair was covered in it.

"Ugh, Shut up!" You screamed in frustration as you grabbed the papers and stalked off in front off Jeff.
"Grown a sense of humour!" Jeff called running after you still laughing.
"You tell nobody about that, you hear me?" You said sternly.
"I'm telling the whole mansion!" He shouted laughed. 'Guess I've got to do this again.' you thought and kicked him where it hurts.
"Ahhh!" Jeff screamed like a five year old girl.
"You tell nobody, is that clear?" You said putting emphasis on every word.
"Crystal." Jeff squeaked. Now it was your turn to laugh.

"I think I want to kill this husband and wife that, according to Slenders documents, are abusive towards their eleven year old daughter and their twelve year old son. BUT we DO NOT kill the children." You say to Jeff.
"What?! Why can't we kill the children?!" Jeff protested.
"Because I said so! You can kill a family by yourself afterwards. You kill the man and I'll kill the woman." You said.
"I hate you so much." Jeff said glaring daggers at you.

You soon arrived at the household of the abusive parents. You smirked. You were going to make those kids lives better.

Jeff sneakily climbed through the window and you followed suit pulling out one of your knives. There was a slight breeze blowing the thin curtains of the parent's bedroom. You crept across the carpet behind Jeff. He glanced at you and nodded.
You positioned your knife above the sleeping woman's chest. You plunged it into her flesh and her eyes flicked open as she struggled under your weight. You smothered one of your hands over her mouth She was writhing and screaming into your palm. You pushed the knife deeper inside feeling her blood cover your fingers. Eventually, she stopped and you stepped off the bed halving at the bloody mess you had created on the bed.
However, it was nothing compared to what Jeff's victim looked like...

The mans body was mauled and painted with his own blood. As well as this, a smile - rather similar to Jeff's - was engraved into his cheeks. You almost gauged it was so disgusting and you felt sick at how proud Jeff was of himself.

You both ran through the shadows and every now and again you would pick of bits of hard mud from your back. You waited inside the bushes while Jeff went inside the house to get rid of his blood lust.

~~~(Y/N) POV~~~

I waited a few minutes inside the bush while Jeff was in the victims house. I heard muffled screams and then police sirens?! I went into panic (Anyone like Panic! At The Disco😏😂) and tried to find Jeff in the shadows I gasped in horror as I heard twigs snapping behind me then I felt something hard hit my head then everything fading into darkness.

I awoke to my head hurting and and i felt like I was being picked up... I suddenly realised that I was draped over someone's shoulder (your head and upper half is over the persons back and your lower half is over their front if that makes any sense). The last thing I remembered were sirens and being hit in the head! In panic I started thrashing and screaming at the person carrying me. They appeared to be running.
"WHO ARE YOU????!!!! PUT ME DOWN NOW YOU RANDOM CREEP!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I then felt myself being dropped hard on the floor. I looked up to see Jeff? JEFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so angry that he'd knock me out and do this to me.
"Why the hell did you knock me out???!!" I yelled.
"Shut it cow face, I just saved us from the cops, you would never have been able to keep up with the speed of me." He said smugly.
"Oh so your saying I'm slow!?" I shouted getting back on my feet brushing myself off.
Exactly." Jeff said.
"Slow?! Well catch me!" I said running into the forest the pale sunrise lighting up the forest.
"You couldn't be faster than me!!!!!" Jeff yelled running after me. I chuckled, nobody's ever faster than me. I ran through the thick forests having no idea where I was going, I felt so free I could do this all day!

I could sense Jeff was hot on my tail. Then after a good few minutes of solid sprinting Jeff collapsed on the floor panting. "Okay you win DN!" He said between breaths holding his hands up in defeat. Then I realised something. 'He called me by my name??!!'
"Nobody is ever faster than me and congrats on getting my name right, Jeff." I smirked and I swear I saw him smile... Probably just imagining it... I summoned a portal to the mansion stepping inside.

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