Chapter Ten

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~~~(Y/N) POV~~~

"Right everyone, we've got to get this place cleared up in around six hours. Let's get started." I said whilst everyone groaned.
"I'll go and get everyone from upstairs." I said and proceeded to sprint up the stairs.
"WAKE UP! WE HAVE WORK TO DO!" I screamed.

~~~Tiny Time skip~~~

Everyone was now downstairs and cleaning. Apart from Sally, I told her to stay in her room. Trying to understand what went on last night might be a little too much for her.

I was currently in the kitchen scrubbing the walls with Nina and Jane.
Nina and I were on one side of the room whilst Jane was on the other cursing and muttering about kissing Jeff.
"See told ya' she'd be freaking out about it." Nina said in a 'I told you so' voice.
"She threw up earlier and Jeff started screaming." I said laughing at the thought.
"Wish I was there to see it." Nina laughed.
"Jeff is an idiot." I said.
"I think you like him." Nina smirked.
"No!!! No! No I don't!" I hissed feeling my face heat up.
"Awwwweee you're blushing." Nina tormented.
"Nina!!!!! I'm not!" I said trying to cover my face with my hair. (If you have really short hair cover your face with your hands).
After a few minutes of flustered scrubbing I  finally got all the dried ketchup and 'other substances' off the walls.
"Finally!" I screamed celebrating by dancing around the room. I looked down to see pieces of cutlery and sweet wrappers laying on the floor. 'That's got to be LJ...' I thought to myself emptying the wrappers into the bin and putting the cutlery into the dishwasher.

After a while the kitchen was completely clear and Jane looked like a zombie.
"BEN!" I called walking over to him. "How's your job going?" I asked. Jeff and BEN were cleaning the mirror and TV and clearing up the toilet paper that was strewn around the room. I couldn't see Jeff anywhere...
"How are you doi-" I began but was interrupted by a soggy feeling in my hair and on my back.

I heard Jeff sniggering then I realised what it was. HE DUMPED THE TOILET PAPER ON MY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!
"JEFF I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!!!" I screamed scraping the disgusting toilet roll from my head and throwing it at the back of his head as he ran away from me. It hit him perfectly. Yes. 'Perks of using a bow.' I thought to myself as I ran my rage complimenting my speed.
I threw myself at Jeff and landed on his back as he fell I smothered the toilet paper in his face whilst cackling in triumph. By now almost everyone in the mansion was staring at us both. As I stood up I laughed some more.
"DN, your such an idiot." He growled.
"I know." I said smirking as I turned away. "And you managed to get my name right again!" I called with fake enthusiasm.

(Time Skip to just before Slendy arrived home)

The mansion looked as clean as it could get, because you know, getting a bunch of mass murders to clean up isn't exactly an easy task.

"Slendy will be back any minute now." Masky said eating a piece of cheesecake with Hoodie. I was shattered and really didn't feel like going to the underworld tonight, but orders are orders. I had created some notes on each person and would pass them on to Zalgo. Slenderman came in through the door.
'Hello everyone, I shall proceed to make dinner.' He sent and went to the kitchen. His words made me realise that I hadn't actually eaten today.

I went upstairs into my room and got the notes out from underneath the floor boards. I got them out of the subtle envelope I enclosed them in and added a few more things. They mostly consisted of the residents weaknesses, advantages, fighting techniques, speed, strength and where they ranked out of all the other CreepyPastas living in the mansion. Most of them were incomplete but it wouldn't be long before they were ready. But I didn't feel the same driven rage to do this anymore... They more I got to know these people the more they seemed like family! But I had to ignore these feelings. I was sent here to help prepare for the attack. Not become friends with these pathetic excuses for CreepyPastas! It's just every time I told myself this, the harder it was to believe.

  ~~~Time Skip to Dinner~~~

I walked downstairs to see (f/f -favourite food)
On the table. (I hate it when authors make the reader like meat I'm a vegetarian so Lol) My heart began to beat abnormally fast when I noticed that the only remaining seat on the table was next to Jeff. 'WAIT WHAT (Y/N)?!' I thought in utter disbelief. Was I happy about sitting next to Jeff?! 'You're just tired from last night.' I told myself shakily sitting down next to Jeff.
"Why so quiet?" He asked.
"Just tired." I answered. I felt so awkward! What the hell was wrong with me?!
"Tired huh." He said as he began to stuff his face with food.
"Such a gentleman..." I muttered sarcastically.
Evidently he heard me because he flashed me a glare. I finished my food and began to get up but squeaked as I felt a arm snake around my waist. I shoved the person off me and saw it was BEN.  'Surprise Surprise.'
"BEN stop hitting on me!" I hissed.
"Awe why?" He said smirking.
"Because I can and will kill you." I said scarily.
"Ugh women these days." He muttered walking away. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jeff glaring at BEN. 'Glaring? No. I was probably seeing things...' I thought as I went upstairs to my room. Preparing to visit Zalgo.

My chapters will be longer soon as I'll be off school. Xx see you soon 👻👻

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