Chapter Fifteen

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~~~(Y/N) POV~~~

I stood outside Zalgo's dungeon and hesitantly knocked on the door.
"Come in." He replied.
"I am here upon order to discuss plans for the ambush in two days." I said.
"Yes (Y/N), thank you for coming. I have looked through your notes and I hope you have been training hard." Zalgo said.
"Yes master I have been training hard every day." I replied feeling very jittery.
"As you know, we are attacking in two days at 12 noon. I want you to make sure than every resident of the mansion is inside the house at that time. When we arrive please stand next to me, Clockwork and Dark Link. Then we shall attack."
"Yes master." I whispered, my voice extremely close to cracking.
"We will wipe out as many of them as possible." Zalgo said his tone scarily calm.
"I will not let you down..." I said and quickly walked out the door.

I stood with my back to the door and slid down it onto my knees. I tried my hardest to fight the tears that threatened to fall but they fell regardless. I silently sobbed in the gloomy underground labyrinth holding my breath so I couldn't be heard. I had to betray my friends.

Suddenly I heard footsteps echoing on the hard floors. Panicking I wiped away my tears and stood up. Before me were Clockwork and Dark Link.

"(Y/N)! Ready for the battle!" They both chimed.
"Yeah." I said blankly.
"The training has been tough! Dark Linked and I are head of the assassins!" Clockwork said happily.
"Yeah... I'll be glad to get rid of those annoying CreepyPastas, I couldn't have coped with it for much longer." I said faking a laugh.
"Yeah, well once we've killed them all you can live back here in the under realm." Dark Link smiled. The thought of living here again sent shivers up my spine, the gloomy shadows and no natural light - I couldn't live here after being on the surface. It would be impossible.
"I can't wait." I replied.
"And when you get back we can spend time together like we used to." Clockwork smiled.
"I've missed your company." I said, that was honest. I had missed Clockwork.
"See you soon (Y/N)." Dark Link said.
"See you soon." I replied hugging Clockwork and Dark Link.
"Bye guys." I said as I walked away.
"Bye (Y/N)!" They said in unison.

I sighed and summoned a portal. It was still dark and I didn't feel like going back to the mansion. In 48 hours all my friends could possibly be dead. And it's all my fault. 'They don't even know my real name...' I thought as a tear escaped my eye. I sat will my back to a tree and closed my eyes. The soft hooting of an owl echoing through the pine trees. I thought about Sally, Jane and Nina. How welcoming they were to me. I thought about the party that was held in honour of me arriving...
"There's nothing honourable about me..." I whispered.
Then I thought about Jeff, how I hated him, how he made me so mad I could explode, how when we kissed it felt like the whole world stopped spinning. Before I knew it I was asleep.

~~~~Time Skip~~~

"DN! Wake up!"
I rolled over groaning slightly not wanting to be awoken from my sleep.

I suddenly remembered I didn't return to the mansion last night and my eyes flicked open.
"G-guy?" I said confused at how they found me in these massive woods. Stood before me were: Jane, BEN, Toby, Nina and Jeff.
"We went out to look for you as you didn't return from killing last night, and we found you asleep by a tree." Jane said.
"Are you alright?" Nina asked.
"Yeah, sorry I was resting and I lost track of time." I said picking some leaves and twigs out of my slightly messy hair.
"Do you want to go swimming training with us?" Toby asked acting overly happy as usual.
"Sure." I said stretching my stuff limbs.
"I'm not swimming!" BEN shouted stomping off into the trees.
"We'll meet you girls by the lake in an hour." Jeff said.
"Okay, see you guys there." Nina said whilst whisking me and Jane away.

~~~Time Skip to the Mansion~~~

I went into my room and picked out a (f/c) swimsuit/ bikini / tankini.

(A/N: You can choose whether you wear a swimsuit, tankini or a bikini, I personally don't wear bikinis and I'm always like 😳 when fanfics say the reader is wearing them so lol😂)

I put the swimsuit/bikini/tankini on and put a (f/c) pullover over the top of it. I slipped on some sandals, grabbed a towel and walked downstairs to meet Jane and Nina.

They both turned to face me.
"DN! You look amazing!" They beamed.
I looked at the floor embarrassed. "Thanks, you guys look great as well." I said. I've never been good with compliments. (Sorry if you are! XD)

Nina wore a purple swimsuit, she looked really good. Jane wore a black bikini and also looked great. I was itching to get into the water, it was at least 95 degrees outside today. (fahrenheit)

We arrived at the lake, Jeff and Toby were already there standing by the waters edge. Jeff ran his hands through his hair.
'God he looks so good...' I thought. I mentally slapped myself.

"Hey guys!" Toby called jumping up and down.

A/N: a bit longer than chapter 14😜 thanks for reading! Love you🐳🐋🐳🐋🐳 Chapter 16 out soon!💘💘💘💘💘💘

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