Chapter Eleven

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   ~~~(Y/N) POV~~~

I took a deep breath as I walked into the underworld, it no longer felt the same as it did before. I didn't feel as though I could live here anymore. I wandered around the tunnels like a lost puppy until I heard a familiar voice...
Dark Link! We had never been what I'd call friends but it would still be nice to see him, I probably wouldn't have much chance in the future...

"Dark Link! It's me (Y/N)!" I called running towards the source of the sound.
"(Y/N)! It's so great to see you!" He called smiling happily.
"The CreepyPasta mansion is horrible." I lied. I really hate to say that it was a lie, but it was. I didn't think it was horrible... I should tho. I should be engulfed in flames of rage every time I'm there. Because it's my job to lure them into the trap, and then it was our job, by that I mean myself and Zalgo's assassins, to finish them off once and for all. I don't know why we can't just kill Slenderman... I don't know if I could kill anyone else... 

"Yeah I bet it is, but you're so lucky to be so high up when it comes to Zalgo trusting you." Dark Link replied.
"Yeah..." I said halfheartedly.
"Come on, let's go see Clockwork!" Dark Link said. I instantly perked up as Clockworks name was mentioned.
"Yeah!" I said happily. I didn't really care if I wasn't on time to see Zalgo, my friends are important too!
Dark Link grabbed my hand and pulled me into the training room.

"Guys look who's here!!!!" He yelled and a few people walked into the room. I exchanged polite smiles with them and then I saw Clockwork. I ran over to her and pulled her into a tight embrace.
"I've really missed you..." She whispered.
"Not as much as I've missed you." I replied as we pulled away. She smiled brightly as if trying to hide excitement.
"You'll be delighted to hear Zalgo's news." She said still smiling.
"I'll go and talk to him now then." I replied hugging her once again and stroking Grinny Cat on the way out.

Zalgo's dungeon was far into the dark tunnels and it bothered me much more than before. 'Blame the stupid sunlight for making me afraid...' I thought to myself.

I finally arrived at Zalgo's dungeon. Knocking on the door.
"Enter." Zalgo said.
I walked into the room to be greeted by a bone chilling breeze.
"(Y/N), I am expecting you've brought me notes." Zalgo said I shivered slightly his aura was very intimidating. 'I've never felt like this before...' I thought.
"Yes, they are here." I said handing Zalgo the papers.
"Thank you (Y/N), with theses notes my new plan can now happen." He said.
"What is this new plan master?" I asked inquisitively.
"Well, I have instructed Clockwork and Dark Link to train the other assassins, Lost Silver, The Bloody Painter, The Puppeteer, Grinny Cat and The Rake. With this training they will be battle ready very soon. I think we will be ready to attack in eight days." Zalgo said.
(A/N: there may be more CreepyPastas included in future chapters!)
It took me a few moments to process it all. 'They're attacking in eight days?!' I screamed silently. If Zalgo were to have told me this one week ago I would be jumping for joy but now I felt dread rattle my bones.
"That is excellent news." I said faking a smile.
"Please report to me in six days, to receive further information. I expect you battle ready and trained to your fullest potential on the day we will attack. We will be attacking at 12 noon." Zalgo instructed.
"When you visit again in six days we will discuss the plan in thorough detail." Zalgo finished.
"I will be trained better then ever before my lord, and I shall be here without fail in six days." I said panic setting in all around me.
"You may leave (Y/N)." Zalgo said as I hastily bowed and headed out of the door.

I took in a few deep breaths in attempt to calm myself down. But it only got worse as I imagined the looks on everyone's faces as I turn towards the intruder and HELPED the enemy kill my friends...
'But Slenderman deserves it!' I though frantically trying to gain the same hatred of those whom lived in the CreepyPastas mansion. But my hatred only burned for Slenderman... Of course Jeff and BEN annoyed the hell out of me, but I didn't hate them...

I walked back into the training hall and found Clockwork.
"So, did he tell you the news!" She asked me her eyes sparkling with happiness and thrill.
"Yeah! I'm so excited! It'll be brilliant!" I said trying my best to sound convincing.
"I'll see you soon then (Y/N)." Clockwork said while she hugged me tight.
"Bye Clock." I said as I stood up to leave waving at the other people in the hall. I stepped into the portal and out into the forest.

I exited the portal to be welcomed by a clear night sky. The bright silver stars sparkling in the night. I gazed in awe as the cool breeze ruffled my (h/c) hair. The only light visible was the shining half moon and the dazzling stars. The tranquility of the forest temporarily took my mind off the attack. But the question still lingered in my mind: 'What will I do when the time comes?'

A/N: sorry about longer wait I've had tonnes of school work 😂 see you soon
Ly all 💕

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