Chapter Nine

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"Jeff I dare you to kiss... Jane!"
I felt my heart skip a beat?! I really had no idea why...
"Wha... Ahahahahahahahahahha!" Jeff said whilst rolling on the floor. It made me a little nervous at how drunk both Jeff and Jane were.
"Do it!" Toby chanted and I gasped as Jeff pulled Jane into a long passionate kiss without hesitation! They're supposed to hate each other! My heart beat sped up and I felt a horrible sensation inside my stomach. 'I've never felt this before...' I thought but every time I looked at them I felt it! 'Their both drunk!' I desperately screamed to myself in attempt to calm myself down.

After all this mental battling I felt a hand on my shoulder. I flinched and looked up to see Nina. "They're both drunk, they'll be freaking out in the morning. No need to get too upset." She said smirking as she finished. 'UPSET!!!!! I was not upset!!! I hate Jeff! Jane is just too good for him!!!'
"I'm not upset." I said dryly.
"I'm a guy." Nina smirked as she walked over to the food.
I looked over and gasped as I saw Jeff and Jane STILL kissing! Why was I so bothered?! Ugh.

I got a plate full of food and began to eat. I heard a thud and turned to see Jeff passed out on the floor.
"There's gonna' be some hangovers tomorrow!!!!!!" BEN called as he danced around like an idiot. BEN, Jeff, Jane and Toby had drank the most and were probably the only ones to get hangovers. (I know Toby is OOC but YOLO) I suddenly noticed the terrible state of the house. Empty beer bottles rolled around the floor as well as crushed cans of soda. There were random things all over the floor as lots of CreepyPastas were invited and were due to leave at the end of the night. There was toilet roll ALL around the kitchen as well as ketchup smeared on the walls! I began to freak out. 'We have to clear all this up before five PM TOMORROW??!!' I screamed silently and judging by the fact that many of the permanent residents of the house would be hung over tomorrow the task just seemed impossible! The party was beginning to become even more out of hand. I walked over to the speakers and stopped the music.
"Thanks for coming everyone but the party is over!" I yelled and watched as all the CreepyPastas walked out of the door the odd few thanking me for the party. I sighed in relief and my head throbbed from the loud music. I slumped down on the sofa. I wasn't even drunk! Just exhausted in every single way! Before I knew it I was asleep.

  ~~~Second Person POV~~~

You woke up and felt stiff. Looking up and around you you gasped as the memories flooded back to you.
The room was a bomb site. Jeff, Jane, BEN and Toby were all out cold lying in a heap on the floor. 

"Wake up guys." You said whilst shaking them all lightly. Nothing. "Wake up!" You shouted whilst rapidly shaking them one at a time. You grabbed a pillow. 'This better work...' You thought to yourself as you whacked the pillow over their heads.
"WAKE UP!!!!!!!!" You screamed. You would have been laughing if it weren't for the massive cleaning job that had to be done as soon as possible. Jeff shifted slightly but was still asleep. "What now?!" You yelled pacing around the room grumbling. You racked your brain for ideas when suddenly the perfect plan crossed your mind. A devilish smirk was plastered over your lips as you got two buckets out of the cupboard and placed them in the sink filling them with ice cold water. 'Hehe. This will make them think twice about getting drunk in the future.' You thought as you a carried the buckets over to the unsuspecting victims.

"Are you sure you want to do that to BEN? He hates water." You nearly jumped out of your skin and spilled the water at the sound of a voice behind you. You turned to see Eyeless Jack.
"Uh... Well he won't wake up and he's very hungover." You said.
"You didn't drink?" EJ asked. You were outraged at the question.
"Excuse me I'm only sixteen!" You snapped. He just shrugged and walked to the kitchen. You walked over to the sleeping CreepyPastas and poured the buckets onto them.
"Hhhhhhhuuuuuuuhhhhhhh." Is what you heard from Jeff Jane and Toby although BENs reaction was very different...
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" He screamed as he ran up the stairs. 'Well that's something you don't see everyday.' You thought as the others began to stir.

"We have tonnes of work to do guys!" You screamed as your water bucket victims groaned and attempted sitting up. "My head... Last night was so-" Jeff began whilst rubbing his head. "Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! I kissed that thing!" He yelled rolling across the floor as Jane threw up in the bucket. You were happy When Jeff was annoyed about kissing Jeff. 'What the heck
(y/n) stop being stupid!' You told yourself. You starred in disgust at Jeff, Jane and Toby.
"You guys are a mess. You've got 25 minutes, go shower change your clothes and come back downstairs. Remember what Slender said about the house, it has to be clean. And right now it's a tip. Get going NOW!" You yelled. It was an abnormal feeling to you, being in control. You were used to just blending into the background and going along with everyone else. The three did as told and trudged up the stairs.

You also went up the stairs and took off your dress leaving it on your bed. You walked into the shower and sighed in relief as you felt the (hot/cold | you can choose) water rush over you.

After getting cleaned up you changed into (any outfit you want) and walked downstairs. Jane was already there. She looked terrible. "I'll go get you something to take the edge of that head ache." You said getting a tablet from the cupboard. You got some for Jeff and Toby as well. "I can't believe I kissed Jeff..." Jane grumbled as she took her tablet. After a few minutes a groggy Jeff and Toby came downstairs.
You stood up in front of everyone and said:
"Right everyone, we've got to get this place cleared up in around six hours. Let's get started."

Hope you like it... Thanks for reading Xx

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