Chapter Thirteen

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~~~(Y/N) POV~~~

His face came closer, closer, closer.
Then I felt myself being pushed back wards!!
SPLASH!!! Jeff had tricked me. I was so angry I felt like I could explode and set fire to the whole forest...

I pulled myself coughing and spluttering up from under the water. I was usually a strong, graceful swimmer. I would always swim in the springs of water in the under realm.
As I saw him laughing I was infuriated beyond belief.
"JEFF YOU (inset curse word here XD)!!!!!!" I screamed and then an idea sprang into my head. I grabbed his leg and pulled him into the water with me.

Jeff screamed like a little girl and swam over to me.
"Do you regret pushing me in now?" I laughed.
Jeff began to laugh again.
"You thought I was going to kiss you!" He said whilst in stitches.
"No I didn't you idiot!" I hissed.
"So the rumours are true! You do love me!" He shouted laughing harder.
"I DON'T LOVE YOU!!!!!!" I exclaimed in despair.
Jeff began swimming to the shore still chuckling. As he pulled himself out of the water he turned around, smirking as usual, and said: "Shame you don't."
The words took a few moments to sink in and when they did he was almost back into the forest.
"Hey wait!" I shouted as he turned around casually but then carried on walking. Typical.

I clumsily got out of the lake my clothes felt heavy because of the water.
"Hey what was that supposed to mean?" I called whilst I scrambled after him.
"What was what supposed to mean?" He said innocently. 'He is such a jerk...' I thought.
"You said 'Shame you don't' after I said I didn't love you, why?" I asked.
"Really wanna' know why?" Jeff said looking me in the eyes.
"Yeah." I said cautiously.
"Well here's why." He said and then I felt him kiss my lips. It was over over as quickly as it started. I just stood there. Dumbfounded. 'He just kissed me?' I thought to myself.
"That's why." He said and before I could question him he had taken off into the woods.

I felt something strange... I stood at the edge of the forest completely shocked.

After I regained my composure I walked through the woods, ringing out my t-shirt and hair every now and again. I stopped off at the training area where I picked up my knives and bow and continued towards the mansion. I pushed through the heavy doors earning confused looks from people as I walked inside.

"DN! Why are you soaking wet?!" BEN asked.
"Jeff was soaked as well!" Toby said. 'Damn you Toby...' I thought.
"What were you two doing?" Asked Nina smirking.
"N-nothing!" I squeaked. Mentally slapping myself for stuttering.
"Ooooooohhhhhh it was something!" BEN shouted.
"SHUT UP!" I screamed as I stalked away to my room.

I heard rain tapping on the roof as I lay on my bed now wearing a set of dry clothes. Today had definitely been the strangest day ever... Jeff acts all 'nice', pushes me into a lake, kisses me and then runs off. Don't see that every day. Anxiety consumed me as I thought about Zalgo's orders... I didn't get much training done. Although, I did over power Jeff the Killer. So I don't think I'm doing too badly.

I went over and sat in my window seat. Watching in content as the clear raindrops trickled down the window. I held my finger up to the cold, hard glass and traced the trails of the droplets. I had to clear my mind, but right now, that was just impossible.

   ~~~Meanwhile, Jeff's POV!~~~

I lay on my bed thinking about what happened today. DN, she's really something... She's been on my mind since I got back! It's so annoying! I fiddled with my knives whilst I carved random lines into my walls. Maybe I was falling in love with DN. 'She's so beauti- NO. I can't think like that.' I told myself. I buried my face in my pillow but I couldn't settle myself. The rain tapped vigorously on the roof, I just wanted to stay in my room and never come out. But I knew I'd have to face DN sooner or later... Deadly Nightshade, I wonder whether thats hers real name. Probably just her creepypasta name... But why won't she tell anyone her real name? Was she hiding something?


Thanks for reading😜 (if read at all!) love you lots and I'm really sorry if it's cheesy😁! There's ALOT of drama in upcoming chapters and it's definitely not cheesy 😂💕

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