Chapter Fourteen

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    ~~~(Y/N)'s POV~~~

Today was the day I had to go back to the under world. The last few days have been strange. Jeff is avoiding me, I really want to talk to him... As much as I hate to admit it, I really am missing his company. I've been training avidly and I've been on a few killing sprees with Jane and Nina. Why do I have to do this mission? I don't know what I'll do without them... I've only known for a couple of weeks but it feels like I've known them forever. Only Slenderman deserves this...

I walked over to my mirror and sighed at my appearance. I've had so many sleepless nights, woken by nightmares of the upcoming battle. Dark rings shadowed my eyes making me look like a zombie. (So tempted to put walker...)

My (h/l) hair was a mess and my (s/c) skin was covered in cuts and bruises from training. I heard Nina yelling at Toby then there was a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I called dryly not really wanting to talk to anyone.
"Masky." The person replied.
"Come in." I sighed.
"Are you alright DN? you look a bit, um, sick..." Masky asked.
"Oh uh, yeah! I'm fine!" I said faking a smile, using way too much enthusiasm for it to be convincing...
"Okay then... Well everyone is going to watch a movie and we wondered if you wanted you join us." He asked.
"Yeah of course,which film are we watching?" I asked.
"(Favourite/ film/f/f)." Masky replied.
"Great I'll be right there!" I chimed happily.
"See you in a few." Masky said leaving my room.
'Well I suppose this won't be so bad...' I thought whist tackling my hair. (Once again, if you have short hair and it doesn't get that messy imagine your doing something else :D)

I walked downstairs to the TV room. The only available seat was next to Jeff. Just my luck. I awkwardly placed myself down next to him and Masky started the film.

    ~~~Jeff's POV~~~

I saw DN come down the stairs, she looked a reluctant to come and sit down as the only remaining seat was next to me. It wasn't even my fault! I only just got downstairs so I sat where I was told! She's going to think I'm desperate! She looked stressed and sleep deprived...

~~~(Y/N)'s POV~~~

I finished watching (f/f) and then everyone cleared out leaving only me and Jeff. Jeff pulled himself up and began walking out of the room.

"Jeff wait." I said feeling very nervous. He turned around and sat back down on the sofa.
"Please stop avoiding me." I said. I really wanted to talk to him again. Tease each other like we used to.
"Is it about what happened in the woods?" I asked, he wouldn't meet my gaze.
"Yeah... I'm not sure what came over me..." He mumbled.
"Why did you kiss me?" I asked nervously.
"You drive me crazy." Jeff replied turning to face me.
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked raising a brow. I felt as if the ice was breaking between us. Thank god.
"Depends." Jeff smirked. 'He's definitely himself again.' I thought looking down and smiling to myself. I looked up at Jeff. 'It's now or never...' I thought as I leaned in to him praying that he won't prank me.
Our lips collided and, surprisingly, Jeff didn't show me off. He softly kisses me back. (ok I'm terrible at describing kisses, kill me now😂😭) My hands remained awkwardly by my side. My cheeks were burning and my heart was racing.

After a few seconds I pulled away and got to my feet.
"See you later." I said.
"See you."

I started to cry once I reached my bedroom. I didn't want to work for Zalgo anymore... I didn't want to hurt my friends! I didn't want to hurt Jeff! But I had no choice. Zalgo would kill them even if I backed out. He'd kill me too. I wonder if Slenderman remembers the baby he left in the woods. Probably not... Then I thought about kissing Jeff, I have only known him a few weeks... 'Maybe I do like him more than a friend...' I thought crying into my pillows.

Sorry this one is a bit short, you'll be visiting Zalgo in the next chapter. That fluff was TERRIBLE I'm so sorry😁. I promise you it will get better. Thank you so much for 83 reads and 3 votes💕 love you lots

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