Chapter Eighteen

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This chapter is edited. So if you have read my story before this a/n was here this chapter is a bit different. But still relatively similar.

"We will destroy you." Zalgo said as he changed into his devil form.
"Shall we get started?" he laughed as he dug his blood stained claws into the soil.
"ATTACK!" Clockwork screamed and the CreepyPastas threw themselves at each other. I sprinted to the tree where I kept my bow and loaded an arrow. My hands shook violently and and I bit my lip to stop it from quivering.

I felt as though all my power had suddenly been drained. Like I was just a scared little girl standing in the middle of a mine field.
"(Y/N)! Come on!" Clockwork said as she pulled my arm.
"They're going to kill you!" She pressed. It was like the world had stopped turning... I heard Slenderman's voice in my head.
'(Y/N), Please let me explain.'

I felt a surge of pain as I was showed to the ground. I looked up to see Jane.
"You filthy liar!" She hissed as she pulled out one of her blades. I frantically tried to grasp one of my knives, but her weight held me down. I grunted with the effort as I pushed up.
Janes knife grazed over my shoulder. I felt my warm blood trickle out of the open wound.
Jane held both of my hands above my head with one of her hands. I gritted my teeth and growled in rage.
"What's wrong?" She tormented bringing her knife slowly to my throat. "In a tricky situation are we. Let me end the pain." She whispered. Her voice chilled my bones.
I yanked my foot and kicked Jane. She slipped on top of me and her knife was knocked off course and sliced through my cheek. I screamed in pain and hauled Jane off me holding my cheek in a vain attempt to stop the bleeding.

It hurt like a bi**h but it would have to wait.
Zalgo soared through the air. What he was doing was barbaric! He landed on top of the mansion and began to tear away the roof tiles.
He threw some sort of mechanism inside. The next few senconds felt like hours. As the mechanism fell I suddenly realised what it was. A bomb. Zalgo sped away from the building. I opened my mouth to scream but no sound came out. My feet felt as though cement was holding them down. Zalgo cackled ruthlessly through the blur that was my vision.

Then there was the explosion. The crash was so loud I felt as though my ears would bleed. I screamed in agony and defeat as the shock wave sent me flying backwards. I hit the trunk of a tree and slammed to the ground. I spat the blood from my mouth. "I-I'm sorry..." I said through shallow, uneven breaths. I hauled myself to my feet, however I stumbled over again. "Aargh!" My pain was unbearable. But I couldn't give up! Not after everything... I hunched over and threw up all over the floor. My blood stained the ground. I was caked in it. Getting up was like walking bare foot on shards of glass. Every inch of me burned. But I ignored the pain.
As I limped weakly back toward the battle I heard commotion from across the trees. There I saw Jeff. Jeff and Zalgo.

Zalgo was perched above him. No. There is NO way he's hurting my friends. This was my fault. And I won't deny that.
"ZALGO!" I roared at the top of my lungs. I felt as though all the pain in my body was just blow away like a grain of sand. I'd lost my bow and most of my knives. All I had left was a single dagger. I was probably unrecognisable considering how much I was bleeding.
I threw myself through the air. My knife held above my head. I plunged it into Zalgo's front leg.
"TRAITOR!" He yelled.
I flashed a split second look at Jeff. Maybe this was the end for me?
"(Y/N)!" A voice called that I knew to be Clockworks.
"YOU CANT HIDE FOREVER!" Zalgo bellowed as Clockwork yanked me away.
"Clockw-" I started but she interrupted me.
"I've summoned a portal!" She cried.
"Wha-" I yelled but the worlds were taken right out of my mouth. The portal had consumed us both.

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