5. Meeting Him

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Vikks POV:

I'd arranged to do a q and a with this Simon guy over twitter and he said he would pick me up at three, slight problem with that... i roll over in bed as i haven't moved all morning, well i say morning but really as my tired eyes focus on my clock it reads 1:37.

"Ah crap" i moan as i realise i have like 1 hour and 20 minutes to have a shower, brush my teeth, iron my clothes and get changed and have breakfast. This normally is no problem but today is different, i want to make a better first impression on Simon than other people because admmitedly i may have a tincy wincy MASSIVE crush on him, so i want to look nice.

I decide to go with some dark skinny jeans, a black shirt and a pair of black and white converse. I sit there for like half an hour doing my hair, when really all i do is style it and then restart, then style it again in exactly the same way.

After i'm ready i check the time, 2:40? How did i manage to get ready with time to spare? It doesn't matter, what does matter is that i now have time to go the corner shop down the road to buy some stuff for dinner so i dont have to get a take-out again. As it turns out the trip there and back was relatuvely short for reasons unknown, i'm probably just a bit perky because i get to meet Simon today. So i decide to watch TV for a while.

Eventualy the doorbell goes and i rush to open the door, as i do i am not met with the face of Simon but rather the chest of Simon. "Hey Vikk. I'm Simon"

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