19. Simons Offer

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Vikks POV:

We had done it. Both me and Simon had uploaded coming out videos. From what we can tell our plan worked and suspicion was low, but still you never know

Me and Simons relationship was going strong but at the moment it was very stressful. With the whole making the videos thing and now we have to think about making the video to say we are together, its just all very manic. But I love him and he loves me so we are helping each other through this.

Ive been staying at Simons house more and more often so i can spend more time with him. We collaborate more and i feel that we are closer as a consequence. Right now he's downstairs cooking breakfast for us both because Josh is at Freyas and i won rock paper scissors.

"VIKK!" there we go



I drag myself out of Simons bed and effectively fall down the stairs to get to the kitchen. When i get there i see 2 plates laid out on the island. Its just bacon and eggs but Simon cooked it, and if Simon cooks for you then he clearly loves you.

I walk over to him and reach up to peck him on the lips.

"Morning beautiful" he says

"God your so cringy" i reply kissing him again.

He laughs and sits down, i join him and we get into a random conversation. We feed each other every now and then for some reason, i dont know why but we just do.

When we are finished Simon takes the plates and puts them on the side.

"Thank you very much Simon"

"Anything for little Vikk"

"Shut up im not that little"

"You have to stand on your tip-toes to kiss me"

I feel myself going red which makes Simon giggle more.

"You're cute when you're embarrased you know?"

We head into the living room and snuggle on the sofa. I feel a little cold because im still topless from bed and Simon notices. So he stretches his t-shirt so if covers both of us. I hold him tightly for extra warmth and he leaves soft kisses on my forehead.

"Hey Vikk?"


"Ive been thinking about something and i wanted to talk to you about it"

"Sure, whats up?"

"So obviously we've been very stressed lately with youtube and fans and hate etc"


"So i was thinking, maybe we go away on holiday for 2 or 3 weeks to clear our heads"

"That is a good idea Simon, where did you have in mind?"

"I dont know, i wanted to consult you first"

"Well thank you for that but i mean a couple weeks alone with you... why would i say no?"

"Good point, i mean who can resist this?"

"Most people"

He gives me a friendly punch making me laugh.

"Well we have to decide where we're going otherwise we cant go"

"Well where have we been and where haven't we been?"

"I dont know, where have you been?"

"A lot of places. Like a hell of a lot, you?"

"Same situation"


After talking for a while we decide to write a list of places we want to go and then compare. But if im honest i dont care where we go. As long as im with Simon.

Hey guys. I have more questions and crap. Well actually only one question. If you hadn't guessed what it was then i will tell you. Where are Vikk and Simon gonna go? Lemme know in the comments and then the most popular answer will be picked. If there is more than one place of the same popularity then i will choose which one i like best. Anyway thats all for today, thank you guys for reading and SEE YA

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