10. Is This Good Or Bad?

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Simons POV:

"ERM, CAUSE HE IS?" Josh replies to my question. I sigh with a mixture of happiness and regret. Happiness because ive just spent two hours talking to Vikk and regret because i was the one to hang up. Anyway i get on with editing the god forsaken video that caused me to stop talking with the adorable boy that i met yesterday... I met him yesterday? I met him yesterday and already im obsessed with him? Holy shit thats bad.

As the day progressed i found myself being constantly distracted by thoughts about Vikk. The main thing though that im thinking about is what would've happened if i had turned around when he was getting changed? Bad Simon stop it. I mean what should have taken 2 hours maximum to edit has taken me 5 and im still not done.

When i finally finish I realise i have nothing to do. I go to see if Josh is here but just find a note on his bedroom door.

"Gone to see Freya, be back later. Or tommorow if im lucky ;). Josh"

Fuck sake Josh you little bastard. Now i got nothing to do. As if on cue at that moment my stomach rumbled. Well now i do got something to do.

I go down stairs and yank the fridge door open. Nothing but crap. Looks like im cooking, or nandos... yeah definately nandos.

I head out in my mystery car again and set course for westway. But before i go i need to check one thing.

Simon: Hey Vikk, you busy?

Vikk: Nah not really, why?

Simon: Im going to Nandos, you wanna come

Vikk: Yeah sure, I got something i wanna talk to you about anyway

Simon: Cool, I will come round and pick you up

Vikk: Sounds good

Simon: See you in 10?

Vikk: See you then

Alright then. If im going with Vikk then i gotta look good. I throw on some Sidemen stuff, a pair of jeans and the first pair of shoes i see (media) because while i wanna look more presentable than joggers and a t-shirt, i only have 10 minutes.

I head over to Vikks house and ring the doorbell. Shortly he opens it and i look down at hime to observe his clothing (media again). "I see you've picked up some sidemen clothing" i say with a smile on my face. "Yep and i gotta say it is really freaking comfortable" he replies.

We head out to my car and start driving to westway, just chatting about random crap on the way there. When we finally get there Vikk starts looking at the menu whereas i already know what im getting. "You not come here often then?". "Nah not really, i mean i did only move here like 2 weeks ago." "Good point"

A waitress comes over and asks what we want to eat and Vikk replies with " can i have a lemon chicken meal please" but before he continues I outburst with "OH you pussy" while laughing.

"Shut up bro i cant deal with spice"

"But you're Indian" i say, still laughing

"Nah thats out" he replies, joining in with the laughter.

After we finish in Nandos we walk around Westfield for a while. We bought some useless stuff, spoke to a couple fans, took some selfies... the usual.

Eventually we started going home and Vikk didnt seem himself for some reason.

"Vikk you alright?"

"Yeah im fine"

We started a conversation again until we pulled up outside Vikks place. We both got out the car and i walked Vikk to his door. "That was fun" I said "We should do it more often". "We should" he replies. He opens his front door and i turn and walk towards my car.

"OH SIMON!" I hear behind me.


"I NEARLY FORGOT!" He says and ushers me over. I walk to him and he simply says "so you think im cute huh?"

He proceeds to go inside leaving me standing there, bright red looking like an idiot. How does he know?

I go home and head straight for Josh's room hoping he's there. Just my luck, he isnt. So i do what i do best. Sleep. And hopefully tommorow i wake up when Josh is back.

Hello people. Before i say anything i would like to thank ItsNotOfImport for the idea of how Vikk tells Simon cause that was 100% not my idea. So if any of you have any ideas then please let me know so i can include them if possible. Also if any of you want me to do any other stories then let me know as well. Preferably sidemen please. Anyway thats all for today, thank you guys for reading and SEE YA

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