11. I'm Not The Only Cute One

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Vikks POV:

I layed in bed for a while thinking about what just happened. I told Simon that i knew and then i left before i saw his reaction. Whats wrong with me?

I decide to message him to talk to him about what happened.

Vikk: Hey Simon?

Simon: Yeah

Vikk: Can we talk?

Simon: Sure, about what?

Vikk: Its about yesterday

Simon: Ok...

Vikk: Im sorry for putting you on the spot like that. It must have been awkward

Simon: Its fine dont worry, ive been in more awkward situations than that before.

Vikk: Ok thats a relief

Simon: Yeah dont panick

Vikk: If it helps i think you're pretty cute aswell

Simon: Really?

Vikk: Yeah why wouldnt I?

Simon: Damm you Vikk ive gone red again

Vikk: Aww. See thats why you're cute. Plus many other reasons

Simon: Ive got a problem Vikk. I wanna tell you something

Vikk: What?

Simon: I wanna tell you...

Vikk: You wanna tell me what?

Simon: I wanna tell you...

Suddenly the doorbell goes and i have to answer it.

Vikk: hold on one second the doorbell just went

I open the door to see Simon holding a foam minecraft style flower. He stares at me for a second before finally saying " I wanna tell you... that I love you". The news shocks me but at the same time i kind of already knew in the back of my mind. "I know its only been a couple days but we've done so much together and we ate together and we hugged on the sofa and we did a q and a...." He just keeps rambling on with compliments and i know that if he doesnt stop then i will start blushing if i havent already and then i wont be able to stop. I try to find a way to shut him up but i cant, so i do the one thing i can. I go on my tiptoes and press my lips against his and he immediately stops talking and starts kissing back. When we break away from the kiss i look at him with a smile. "Shut the fuck up you attractive retard" i say and then proceed to kiss him again before inviting him inside.

We sit there watching netflix together for a couple hours. Well i say watching but to be honest its just on in the background as my face is buried in Simons chest and he is resting his head on top of mine while he fiddles with my hair. Everything is peaceful, so of course Simon has to make a comment, "We got netflix so now we just need the chill". I look up at him as he smiles at me in a childish way. I lean upwards and kiss him. "For now thats the closest you get" i say to him, after all i wanna make some decisions while i can as its kinda clear who the dominant one is. "Oh crap" Simon says.


"Its 11.24 pm, when did that happen?".

"I dunno"

"I gotta get home"

"If you really want you can spend the night here"

"You sure"


"Ok well i can take the sofa"

"Dont be stupid. I have a double bed for a reason"

"Hey im sorry, i didnt wanna get my hopes up"

We go into my bedroom and i take off my shirt and begin to take off my jeans when i notice Simon staring at me. "What do you think you're doing? I wanna see the shirt and jeans gone asap ok?"

"Talking rather big for such a little man"

"I talk based on my dick size not body size"

"Well then be glad i dont or your life would be a misery"

I laugh at that and get into bed. I roll on my side and feel Simon get in next to me. His arms slink around my waist and pull me closer to him. "Erm Simon?". "VIKK IM ALOT TALLER THAN YOU OK? ITS MY KNEE I SWEAR". Dont know if thats a relief or not if im honest. I settle down and settle into Simons embrace. I shut my eyes and pray to god i dont snore.

There it is guys. The start of ministar. I dont really know what this chapter was other than awful but hey its up and its staying so as always lemme know if you want me to do anything... and yeah. Thats all for today, thank you guys for reading and SEE YA

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