Your Dad Isn't There To Walk You Down The Aisle (Zayn)

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(Author Note:Mitch Lucker is your step-dad)
Today is the day when you are going from a Lucker to a Malik. You were very stressed not because of the wedding but that your father Mitchell Lucker won't be able to walk you down the isle. He died last November a day after Zayn proposed to you. You and your mother were heartbroken specially your step sister Kenadee. She cried into your arms asking you billions of questions on why her dad is going on a long vacation is the paradise of Heaven. It's now a year after that fatal incident and your best friend Alan Ashby was walking you down the aisle as a replacement. A stray tear fell down your face as you walked down the aisle seeing a empty seat by your mother as she wiped away here tears of happiness as she saw you walking down that beautiful red carpet. You gave a weak smile to Zayn as the preacher started to do the small speech they always did.
"Now do you Zain Javvad Malik take Y/n Y/m/n Lucker to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do." He says smiling holding your mocha hands in his tanned ones.
"Now do you Y/n Y/m/n Lucker take Zain Javvad Malik to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
Zayn smiled at you waiting for you to say those two special words that would make you guys official. You looked around unable to speak as it was hard for you to say I do without your father not being there for that special moment in your life.
"I'm s-sorry" you dropped your hands from his running out crying leaving everyone shocked. You heard heels following behind you as you ran outside.
"Y/N SWEETIE COME HERE!" You turned around seeing your mother coming down the steps.
"Mom.." You hugged her tightly crying not cari about your make up which was water proof.
"What happened back there munchkin?" She asked rubbing your back in circles shushing you.
"I can't do this without dad" you manage to say another gut wrenching cry coming out from you.
"Y/n look at me. I know you guys were very close and this day is very special for you but remember what I told you he is always there with you even though sometimes you don't want him to. Did not see me smiling when you came down that isle I saw something amazing that nobody else could see. I saw Mitch on the other side of you in his favorite tux me and you hate. Now when you get yourself together you come back in I'll be waiting right outside that door" she gave you one last kiss on the forehead before heading up the stairs into the church. You wiped your tears when you saw your dad standing right in front of you.
"Yes now darling i know I'm not physically there on you big day and I'm sorry about that but I'm still here in spirit form. Tell your little sister that I love her and tell your mother to move on by the way tell Zayn if he doesn't treat you right I'm beating his ass and that I'm watching him so when he thinks I'm not watching him I am." You laughed at your dad as he gave you a hug that you could actually feel and a kiss on the cheek.
"I love you Y/n forever and always"
"I love you too daddy" with that he vanished. You climbed back up the stairs seeing your mother smile taking your hand.
"Now let's get back there and finish this wedding. You walked back in to see people chattering about what happened and see Zayn crying into Liam's shoulder.
"I DO!" That caught everyone's attention as they stared at you.
"What?" Zayn said wiping his brown eyes.
"I said I do meaning that I take you as my husband!" He smiled running up to you hugging you taking you back to the alter.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!" The preacher said happily. Zayn kissed you passionately. You walked out of the isle while people threw rice at you.
"Your officially a Malik"
"I know but I'm still a Lucker in my mind"
"As you should babe."
After the wedding ended you got a tattoo honor your father and his legacy including your mother while you got your sister a necklace.
R.i.p to my dad aka Mitchell Adam Lucker
October 20, 1984-November 1, 2012

p to my dad aka Mitchell Adam LuckerOctober 20, 1984-November 1, 2012

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