Pacify Her ~Harry~

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Y/n no longer a cares if she was with Harry or not.He broke her so bad after she learned he was just playing her like a old broken record they broke up and it end nastily. Harry walked into the lunchroom with a new girl on his arm smiling,laughing,and kissing down the isles. Everyone smiled and giggling screaming that they were the cutest couple every making her want to puke. Harry was suppose to be his but he lead her own then breaking her heart into a million of pieces. Y/n sat down by herself  eating her lunch that her mother packed which was a ham and cheese sandwich,sliced apples,carrots,and a Capri sun. She sat quietly enjoying her lunch when she felt a pair of eyes on her. She turned her head and saw Harry and his friends staring intently at her. She gave a mean look before flipping them off continuing her lunch. Once she finished she threw away her trash leaving to go to her next class. She sat quietly writing in her diary singing softly to herself not noticing a girl walking up to her.
"Hello I'm Melanie but you can me Mel for short" she says sticking her hand out to shake. Y/n timidly shook her hand looking at Melanie admiring how pretty she was. She took a look at her outfit noticing how she dress was very...unique. That's when she noticed something strange.
"What's that?" Y/n asked pointing to the pacify that hung loosely around her neck.
"Oh this is a pacify I always have it" Mel says popping it in her mouth sucking on it soft noises coming from it.
"So are you new here?" She ask looking at Melanie as she sat next to her.
"Yes I just moved her from Baldwin,New York" she says smiling her small gap showing.
"Oh that's cool so did you have lots of friends from were your from?"
"No,they didn't like me everyone called me names" she said her voice that was once soft turned hard and cold.
"I'm sorry about that" Y/n said to her looking down at the white and black tiles.
"It's not your fault people in this world are rude twats" she said making both of them laugh. As they continued to talk Melanie learned lots about Y/n and Y/n learned lots about Melanie. Both of them clicked instantly they told each other things that they never told anyone else. In the middle of Y/n telling about what happened between Harry and her the bell rang signaling for everyone to get to class. Y/n sat straight not wanting to get in trouble with the teacher who loves her unconditionally thing of Y/n as her own daughter.Everyone crowded into the class room sitting at their tables talking amongst themselves.
"Today class we will be drawing something that hurt you in the past or present. I know it's kind of personal but I want you to express how you feel. You can paint,draw,build what every as long as it shows what hurts you, you may start now!" Mrs.Winters said going to her desk getting her apron grabbing paint and a canvas drawing. Y/n got up to go get canvases,paint,water,and paintbrushes for the both of them.
"So what are you going to paint if I may ask?" Melanie asked painting a small girl.
"Um well I'm gonna draw Harry with dead roses or something" y/n said shrugging her shoulders painting in black,white,grey,and red.
"Sounds good to me" she says continuing to paint each stroke nice and clean.
"What about you?" She ask making Harry really detailed from his eyes all the way to his curls.
"I'm painting thinking back to my 15 birthday when no one showed up not even my parents showed up since they were on a stupid ass business trip to Florida" she says a tear slipping out from her eye. Y/n quickly gets up hugging her from behind her kissing her cheek whispering her not to cry.
"Ugh sorry it was that was the hardest moment in my life" she says sniffling wiping her tears with the inside of her arm.
"Same for me Harry lead me on and he didn't care. I was broken for months after the harsh break up. He broke up with me in front of the entire school body I didn't show up to school for two weeks." Y/n said think back on that tragic day but was shaken out of it by Mel.
"He sounds like a douche we should get back at him" she says wiping her paint stained hands on her smock.
"How are we gonna get back at him Mel he has the entire school on his side and there is only two of  us?"
"We will talk about this later met me at my" she said handing y/n a piece of paper that had her address neatly wrote on it. Y/n put her and Mel's unfinished pictures on the drying racks continuing her rest of day wondering about what Mel was talking about.
^_^End Of The Day^_^
Y/n quickly left the school once the bell letting her converse clad feet run to her house. She grabbed the key that was tapped under the fake plant. She unlocked it seeing her mother and older brother talking quietly with each other.
"Hey Momma Hey Noah!" Y/n screams making her family laugh and continue their conversation.
"Mom can I go over my friend Mel's house?" She ask giving her mom the best pout and puppy dog eyes she can muster up.
"Sure but be home before 10:30 no more no less" she says smiling. She kissed her mothers cheek before grabbing the piece of paper and dashing off.
^30 minutes later^
Y/n knocked on the door to see a happy Melanie standing at the door blue pacifier in her mouth.
"Come in Y/n so we can talk about this beautiful plan I had made" y/n walked in following Melanie upstairs to her room which was painted navy blue with comic books and marvel gear everywhere.
"Sit." Mel says sitting on the desk that was cleaned off nicely with a big poster bored filled with words and photos.
"Now this is the plan" the bored was a check list called 'Pacify Her'.
"What does Pacify Her mean?" Y/n asked confusing was in her voice as she tried understanding the very complicated plan.
"It means we are gonna make Harry new hoe disappear" Mel says moving her eyebrows a wide smile.
"Like kill her?"
"No Y/n like make them break up."
"Someone told me stay away from things that aren't mine"
"But was he hers, if he wanted you so bad?"
"Good point" y/n said giggling as she let Melanie continue her plan.
"Once I get her away from Harry. You go flirt with him fuck up a bit.Kiss him if I comes down to it"
"This is mad" y/n groans Melanie huffs sitting on Y/n mid section.
"Get off you loon" she said trying to push her off.
"Not until you go through with this wonderful plan that I came up since 5th period."
"Fine I will go through with Pacify Her" Mel screamed in joy jumping up and down.
"Great! We will start this tomorrow! Now let's go eat!"
^The Next Day^
Y/n was nervous as hell for this entire plan. She woke up early getting dressed for the big day ahead of her. She dressed in a crop top with skinny jeans,black converse,curling her hair in a high ponytail,applying red lip stick,and finishing it with painting her nails black and red.
She grabbed her back walking to Mel's house they could walk together. Y/n and Mel dressed just a like which freaked them out a little bit. When they entered the building the plan was already starting off.
"Tired, blue boy walks my way.Holding a girls hand" y/n says pushing Mel to do her job in this whole deliberate plan. She fakes trip spilling juice all over Karson's white top.
"You motherfucking cock sucker look what you did to my shirt! Harry look what she did!"
"Oh my goodness I'm such a fucking klutz her let me help you" Mel says looking at me winking taking Karson to the bathroom.
'That basic bitch leaves finally.Now I can take her man' y/n though as she approached Harry swaying her hips her butt jiggling left to right.
"Hey Harry" she said in a seductive voice making Harry's knees buckle  under her warm and soft voice.
"H-hey Y-y/n" he said his voice wavering in nervousness.
"So you and Karson how is that going"
"It's good so far...I guess"
"I can't stand her whining.Where's her binky now,and loving her seems tiring.So boy, just love me down." Y/n replies grabbing Harry's collar bringing him to her face her minty breath fanning his face.
"I can't..."But she cut him off with a soft kiss to his lips.
"Can you now?" She ask playing with his bouncy brown curls.
"No I love her" he says stepping back but he was still close to her face inches away actually. She rolled her brown orbs.
"You don't love her.Stop lying with those words" she says hitting him with the the truth.
"Fine you got me I don't love her I love you and only you. All those things I did to you bad people forced me I love you okay I'm sorry" he kisses her on the lips once more when he headed a loud screech. Karson storms over pushing people out of the way to get to the duo who were still close.
"What do you think you are doing with my boyfriend?" Mel laughs as Y/n goes by her side fist bumping her.
"This is going perfectly" I whisper walking away as Harry and Karson had a screaming match in the middle of the hallway.
"Wanna come over my house and have a movie 'date'" y/n as they walk around the school happy that plan Pacify Her was a complete.
Hopefully you enjoyed this!
Question: Who Would Go Gay for Melanie Martinez?
Follow Up Question: If Melanie Asked You To Go On A Date With Her Would You Say Yes
Answer:Yes,I would cus one she sings like a angel and secondly she so beautiful 😍
Answer:Yes,why would I miss a opportunity like that like dafuq

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