Good Morning Text He Sends You

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Zayn: I need your love,need your looove❤️ "see her at the mall chilling with her ladies,so fine😍 she mine😏 good morning baby 👋🏾😌"

Liam:Good morning baby girl I know you tired af 😴 but I just wanted to let you know that you are my everything in this entire world🌎! If it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't be were I am today so thank you😚! I know you love me and want the bets for me baby😬 I love you with all my heart💗😭👌🏾 and I always will oml! Remember tho I want the bets for you too! When you turn 16 I want you to get a job cus I wanna build with you and have a future with you too😘💍! Hopefully you have good day see you at school lovely👑

Roses are red❤️
Violets are blue💙
If you don't wake yo lazy ass up I'm leaving you ass so you have to find another way to school😊🏨
Just kidding I love you I have food for you🍩 waiting for you😂💕

Harry:Good morning beautiful hopefully you had a good sleep! I did because I fell asleep thinking of you and woke up thinking of you! The only problem is that your not in my arms which makes me pretty sad😭! Oh by the way I love you and won't stop till the world ends! Nobody can replace you even if they tried and if they tried they would catch dem hands omm💪🏽👏🏾! Buuttttt good morning and go look on the front porch I have surprise for you😏

Niall: good morning my beautiful brown skinned Irish princes🍀👑! Can you please wake up tho because if you don't that means I only have 22 hrs 24 minutes 12 seconds left to talk to you and to me that's not enough⏰. If you don't I'm gonna cry😭! When you wake up I have a gift for you to retrieve downstairs so hurry up love💙!

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