Chapter 33

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The ride is dark and bumpy. The interior is cold, we all sit in silence, stunned by the events that just took place minutes ago. I lean against the car door, someone opens it behind me and I almost fall.

A man waits at the door, "Ah, Delgado we needed you actually. And where's Evergreen?"

"Who?" I ask

Chloe walks up, I didn't know that her last name was Evergreen.

"Follow me." The man orders. We jump out of the truck, and follow him. "Don't think about running, there's nothing around here, except cold barren land."

"Where are we?" Chloe asks

"A place called North Dakota, you probably don't know where that is." He says

Chloe lies, "Yeah, I don't."

He opens the door for us into the main prison. Everyone in here looks at us funny.

"By the way, someone from your original charter is in here." He says

"Who?" We both ask

"Joseph Haywood." He says

Chloe and I look at each other in shock, but we don't respond. We walk into an office, where a man sits behind his desk, patiently waiting for us.

"James, please step outside. I want to speak to Chloe alone." I comply, I'm powerless, no one usually tells me what to do, but my life's on the line.

I open the door and wait outside, the door is solid so I can't hear what they talk about. I look around me, I'm trapped, I can't go anywhere. This was my demise, we finally lost, we'll find a way out. It's cold in the prison, there are a few inmates eyeing me down, they don't intimidate me though. I lean against the wall. I the sudden I hear screaming inside of the room, and something cracking, almost like a gun. I run to the door, to my surprise, the handle is unlocked. I bust open, and see Chloe being tortured, I see a taser. I sprint at the man torturing her, but someone gets in front of me before I can. He punches me to the floor, I can feel blood trickling down my face.

"Ah, James. Trying to save your friend? Well, her torture is over. It's your turn." The guard picks me up and throws me onto a chair. He buckles a strap around my arms and legs. Chloe is rushed outside

"What were your plans, James?" The man asks

I look at him in anger, "Just tase me for all the questions I'm not going to answer, you're not getting anything out of me."

"Fine, you said it not me." He sits down, "Guards, give James a good amount, I say two minutes straight. Don't kill him, we can use him."

The guards approach me, I tense up. "It's easier if you don't tense up." One of them says

"Shut up Robert!"

I hear them readying me, and I feel a shock go through my body. I feel powerless, I'm paralyzed, I can't fight back. The electricity moves through my entire body. I start sweating, my nose starts to bleed. I don't say anything.

"Do you want to say anything, Mr. Delgado?" He asks

I don't say anything, I close my eyes, and embrace the pain. I just let it happen, my muscles have spasms.

They pull away, I feel relief. I slouch as much as the restraints let me. I can't move.

"Give him that shot, it'll wake him up." The man orders the guards. I feel a needle pierce my skin. My muscles twitch, my heart starts beating in a regular pattern. I can start seeing clear again. They unbuckle the restraints, I get up and walk to the door.

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