The Tattoo Of Written Love (Kai x Jay)

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"Jay!~" I heard someone sing. I kept my eyes closed and never answered. I still wanted to sleep. I heard a sigh and footsteps walking and stopping when they made it to the bed. "Jay, dear! Wake up!~" I now realize that it's my mother. I slowly open my eyes and see my mother smiling. I sit up and smile back at her.

"Good morning mom." I said, yawning in the process.

"Good morning dear.~" My mother replied, kneeling down and hugging me from the side. I yawned again and my mother laughed.

"You need to wake up Jay." My mother said, ruffling my hair. "We have a couple of errands for you to run, if that's okay with you.~"

"That's okay with me." I smiled.

"Edna, dear!" My father yelled from the other room.

"Coming Ed!" My mother turned to me. "Get dressed and I'll be right back." My mother then ran out. I sighed and got up, yawning again from still being tired. I walked up to the mirror hanging off the wall and looked at my tired self. I had little bags under my eyes, but you couldn't really see them, unless someone looked closely. My hair was a bit messy also, some pieces sticking up in the places where they wanted to go. I then slid my shirt down my arm, revealing my shoulder and the tattoo that came with it. I looked at the name again.

Kai Smith

That's what it said. The name that is on my arm has been there ever since I was born. Everyone calls it the Tattoo of Written Love. Everyone has one. When you're born, you get a name on your arm. That name is who you're supposed to be with. While you have their name, that other person has yours. When you kiss that person, another part of the tattoo will appear, a part that resembles your lover. When that happens, you and your lover will be complete.

I sighed. I haven't found my lover yet and I'm 16. Everyone that I know even found their lover already. I just want to find my lover and feel complete. Just then my mother walked in and noticed what I was looking at.

"Are you still worried about it dear?"

"Ya. I just want to feel complete and not have to worry. I feel like I'm never going to find my lover."

"Cheer up my dear Jay!~" My mother sang. "You'll find him! Everyone does!" I smiled because it made me feel better.

"Okay. Thanks mom."

"No problem, my dear Jay. Who knows! You might meet him today!"

I smiled again and maybe blushed a bit. My mother then left and I got dressed in my casual clothes, fixed my hair, and brushed my teeth. After I got ready, I walked out to see my mom and dad talking. My father looked at me.

"Ah, son! There you are!" My father walked over to me and we hugged.

"Hi dad. What errands do I need to run?"

My father put some money in my hand. "Could you go out to the city and get a few things?"

"Of course dad." My father smiled.

"Here's a list too Jay." Said my mother, handing me the list. I smiled, we said our goodbyes, and I left.

(Time skip)


I finally made it to the city and there were a lot of people, but not enough for it to be too crowded, so that was good. I looked at my list and there definitely wasn't a lot of things I had to get, just about 3 things. It was a couple of tools and parts for my father.

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