Here's some Shade X Kai for you!! Requested by AmirahMoody!
---------------------------------------------SHADE P.O.V.~
I was waiting on the second platform of the boat to head to the Tournament of Elements. I was honestly bored and secretly wishing that this boat would just start moving already, but five people were holding us up, so I just sighed and sat down, leaning against the wall.
After a few more minutes pass, I felt a jerk and heard the water. "The piece of junk actually started moving?" I asked myself sarcastically, keeping my eyes closed and enjoying the quietness surrounding me, but that was short lived because I could hear someone being very loud. I stood up and looked down to the bottom floor and seen a boy in blue that looked to be in his teens arguing with one in black, who also looked like he was in his teens. I also seen a boy in green walking with and old man.
I sighed and rolled my eyes at the way they were acting, but then I could see a hint of red out of the corner of my eye that sparked my interest. I looked back down and seen another boy in red walking with the others. His spiky hair and form made him a bit attractive, which made me smile.
My smile soon faded away when he started trying to help this girl from the metal man. I'm not sure why I wasn't so happy, but I figured it was really nothing. Then the red one started to fight metal man and that was when I could see his eyes. His eyes were a shade of red and I could see that anyone would get drawn to them seeing him for the first time, and I was one of them. They were also like fire.
I then realized that I was very attracted to him and that I wanted him to be mine.
I was also jealous of that girl.
(Time skip)
Kai was the name of the attractive red one and he apparently was the fire ninja. His element really helped make him stand out to me and he looked even more attractive. His eyes now seem like they have a flame when he's fighting and when his temper goes somewhere, but his eyes also look like a ruby when he's calm and collected.
"Great. Now he's making me sound cheesy." I said to myself as I made it to the door to his room because all of the elemental masters had to meet in here for some reason and, honestly, I wish it was just me.
I sighed and knocked on the door. The one who opened the door was one of Kai's friends. The green one, known as Lloyd, to be exact.
"Come in Shade." I stepped in to see the rest of the elemental masters in the room waiting and wondering what is going on. I quietly walked over to Kai's bed and leaned on it, also waiting for whatever we are here for to start.
"Okay." Started Kai. "We've brought you here because... Umm...." I looked at Kai and noticed that he was a little nervous, but he kept his composure. "We think that someone is working for Chen."
"How would you tell?" Asked Neuro.
Kai looked at Neuro. "We know that whoever works for Chen has a snake tattoo, so we would need to see all of your backs."
Everyone looked at each other in suspicion. They also looked like they didn't want to do it, and I was with them. This was ridiculous and it kind of made me a bit aggravated.
Everyone still just gave in and started showing their backs one at a time and after some time, Kai looked at me.
"It's your turn Shade." I glared and didn't move from my spot.
"Sorry, but that's not going to happen."
"So are you the one who's working for Chen?" Asked Turner, also eyeing me.

Ninjago Oneshots
Fanfic[REQUESTS CLOSED] This story is about Oneshots between the characters in Ninjago. I hope you enjoy! <3 None of the pictures belong to me. They belong to their rightful owners. Ninjago characters belong to LEGO.