Here is a Kai x Zane oneshot!! Requested by AcrlynDPortgas!! Hope you enjoy!!!
---------------------------------------------ZANE P.O.V.~
We were waiting for Sensei Wu and Nya to come and pick us up after visiting Cole's dad, Lou, and winning the talent show. We didn't get the gang blade, but Cole found his true potential, which everybody was happy about because we were getting closer to defeating Pythor and getting better at our skills along the way. We were all celebrating as we were waiting for the bounty, laughing while making jokes every now and then.
"I still can't believe you did the Triple-Tiger-Sashay!!! It was amazing!!" Said Jay, smiling.
"It was!! I still can't believe I actually did it!" Said Cole back, looking at Jay. Jay and Cole then laughed while I smiled at the two, enjoying their little talk and excitement about the dance we pulled off, even after many difficulties.
As Jay and Cole kept on talking on how amazing the dance was, I looked across the two to see Kai also looking at Jay and Cole, his lips forming a small smile.
I've had a crush on Kai ever since we met and became ninjas. I don't know why, but I kind of like his hot-headed attitude. It may not really seem like it, but Kai is one of the sweetest people that I've met, even though he can sometimes have a little attitude and not get along with you sometimes. Once you get to know him, he'll practically stop at nothing to keep you safe and make sure that you're okay. He's the one that will always be there for his friends and family, even if it may be a bit overprotective and annoying to some. I like that about Kai.
When I get out of my thoughts and look at Kai again, I noticed that his smile has disappeared and he's looking at the ground, like he's thinking about something. I was a bit curious to what Kai might be thinking about, but I didn't ask because I didn't want to bother him.
I then looked closer at his face, especially his expression and I noticed that he wasn't really thinking that much about anything...
The expression on his face was sadness.
(Time skip)
Sensei Wu and Nya came around on the Bounty and picked us up, both of them happy that we won the talent show and happy that Cole found his true potential, even though we didn't get the fang blade. They were just happy that we were all okay after what we told them.
I kept looking back at Kai though, trying to see how he was doing. Sometimes I would see him wear a small smile, but other times he looked sad. It was bothering me that I couldn't tell what Kai was feeling, but I also didn't want to bother him about it and put him on the spot, especially in front of everybody else. I decided not to bother Kai and let him have his space.
After dinner Kai went to our bedroom, claiming that he was tired, while Cole and Jay went to go play video games. I was cleaning up the food and dishes that were left from dinner still having Kai in my mind.
"Thank you for making dinner Zane. It was great." I get out of my thoughts and looked at Sensei.
I smiled. "Thank you very much Sensei. I'm glad you enjoyed the food."
Sensei smiled and nodded before walking back to his room to rest. After a few minutes passed, I was done cleaning up.
I then started to walk to our bedroom, but when I got there I heard a faint sound. I put my ear against the door and realized that the sound was Kai crying. I became worried so I slowly turned the doorknob and opened the door just a bit. I looked through the crack to see Kai on a bottom bunk, hugging his knees and his head hidden by his knees. I then slowly opened the door and stepped in, still looking at Kai with worry.

Ninjago Oneshots
Fanfic[REQUESTS CLOSED] This story is about Oneshots between the characters in Ninjago. I hope you enjoy! <3 None of the pictures belong to me. They belong to their rightful owners. Ninjago characters belong to LEGO.