It was the time where is starts to get really cold. Where people start getting sick with stuffy and runny noses, sore throats, cough, and more. Whenever you breathe, you can see your breath in front of you and everyone's wearing sweatshirts, jackets, and pants to try not to get cold. You would have a red nose and red cheeks after you've been outside. It was like this every year and it always started in September.
Right now I was walking back to the Bounty. I visited my parents for a couple days because they wanted to see me. I was happy to oblige because I missed them. We were also very busy, so we never got to see each other for a couple weeks.
I was really tired. I made it to the Bounty after a few more minutes and felt relieved that I wouldn't have to be in the cold any longer. I've already been in it longer than I wanted to and it was a pain. My face and hands felt like ice.
I run up to the door and knock. I heard someone say "come in," so I opened the door and walked in. I was met with Jay sitting on the couch with a blanket wrapped around himself tightly and watching tv. I laughed.
"Hey Jay. Are you warm enough?" I joked. Jay looked over and rolled his eyes at my joke.
"Hello Lloyd and yes, I am warm enough. Thanks for asking, even though you're joking."
I smiled and set my bag down and walked over and sat in the couch next to Jay.
"So how'd your couple days with your parents go?" Jay asked, looking at me.
"Good. I had fun." I said. I looked around and didn't notice anyone else walking around. Not even a sound was made except for Jay and I and the tv.
"Is something wrong Lloyd?" I look back over at Jay, who had a confused look on his face.
"Where are the others?"
"Oh! They are out getting food and more medicine since we're almost out. Cole is here in our bedroom. He's sick, so I had to stay here just in case he needed anything." Jay said, still looking at me.
"Cole's sick?" I asked and Jay nodded. I was starting to get worried and apparently Jay noticed and smiled to try to lighten up the mood.
"You can go see him if you want, but when I checked on him a few minutes ago, he looked like he about to fall asleep, so I'm not sure if he's awake right now or not."
"Okay." I smiled. "Thank you." I then got up and started to walk towards our room. After a few minutes I got to our room. The door was closed so I grabbed the doorknob and opened the door slowly and quietly. When I do, I see Cole laying on his bed, which is the bottom bunk, sleeping. I walk over to the stool next to Cole's bed, which I figured Jay put there, and sit down.
Just as I sat down, I see Cole turn his head slightly.
"Is that you Jay?" I heard Cole say, his voice sounding a bit more hoarse than it usually does.
"No I-it's Lloyd." I smiled, a bit nervous because I actually really liked Cole. He's just really good looking and really kind. I've liked him for a while. About the time when I got older by that tea I used on the Grundle.
When I get out of my thoughts, I look and see that Cole is now sitting up and looking at me, smiling.
"Hey Lloyd. You're back. How'd your days with your parents go?"
"Good. Thanks for asking." I smiled back at Cole and kept looking at him. "You're sick." I finally said after a couple seconds of silence.
"Yep." Cole nodded, coughing right after. "I have a fever, sore throat, runny and stuffy nose, and I don't feel the greatest." Cole then coughed again.
"Then I'll take care of you." I said, blushing a little. Cole looked at me and smiled.
"If you want to."
"Thank you. I'll make sure you get better."
I've been doing a lot to make sure that Cole feels better. I've been bringing medicine to him, bringing the soup that Zane made to him, and making sure that he had everything he needed. I've also been staying with him to talk to him and keep him company.
Everyday, Cole looked much better and soon enough, after a few days, his fever, and sore throat was gone. His nose also wasn't stuffy or runny anymore and he felt much better. I was so happy for it.
(Time skip)
I groaned as I laid in my bed out of discomfort because guess what?
I am now sick.
It sucks. I let out a sigh. I guess I got sick from being with Cole while he was sick, but I wanted to help him, so that's why I'm not all that mad about being sick. I just felt like crap.
I closed my eyes while still laying in bed, about to go to sleep, but then I heard footsteps walk into the room. I opened my eyes a little and see someone sit on a stool, but when I opened my eyes all the way, I could see Cole smiling at me.
"Hey Cole." I said, blushing and smiling. "What are you doing in here?"
Cole laughed. "I came in to check on you. Why else would I be in here?"
"I don't know." I laughed.
"Well there's actually one more thing I came in here for." Said Cole, as I sat up in my bed.
"What is the other thing?" I asked. Cole then leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead, while lead me to blush and have my heart beat faster than ever.
When Cole leaned back, he looked at me and smiled. "To thank you for helping me get better and being there when I needed someone to talk to because laying in bed is just plain boring."
"Y-your welcome."
"Now I'm going to help you get better. I'm not taking no for an answer."
My eyes went wide, but I smiled right after. My stomach was full of butterflies and it was a weird, but great feeling at the same time. I then finally replied.
"If you want to."

Ninjago Oneshots
Fanfic[REQUESTS CLOSED] This story is about Oneshots between the characters in Ninjago. I hope you enjoy! <3 None of the pictures belong to me. They belong to their rightful owners. Ninjago characters belong to LEGO.