Just Being Lazy In The Morning (Cole x Kai)

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I groaned and moved around in my bed from the sunlight peeking through my curtains and hitting my face. It was too bright this early in the morning, but even the birds were up chirping and singing their little songs to everyone.

I slowly sat up as my arms held me up. My covers slid down my arm as I sat up, making me a little cold. I yawned and sat up all the way and stretched, my shirt coming up over my stomach a little bit.

One I was done stretching, I looked around my room, figuring out my surroundings since I practically run into everything in my room when I wake up. It's to help me with that problem. I yawned again after I was done and put my hand on the other side of the bed.

"Hm?" I mumbled to myself, looking at the spot next to me and noticing that no one was laying next to me. Usually Cole was there since we were dating. I wanted to cuddle and kiss him, but I guess I can't yet until I find him.

"I guess Cole got up before me." I said, sliding out if bed. I wobbled a bit from being tired, but finally gained​ my balance and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and noticed that my spiky hair wasn't messed up very much, a few strands going where they want to go. I just left my hair the way it was because I was too lazy and walked out of the bathroom. As I was walking down the hall, I noticed everyone's doors were closed, giving the hint that they were still sleeping. I didn't want to wake them, so I kept walking till I made it out to the living room. I didn't see Cole and I kept wondering where he was. I then realized something.

"He might be in the kitchen. Probably getting a piece of cake." I mumbled to myself, stretching again. I then walked into the living room and stopped and held onto the doorway. Surely enough Cole was in the kitchen, eating a piece of cake and drinking from a mug with steam coming from it. I watched Cole, him not noticing me yet.

Cole's hair was the same way as mine, a few hairs out of place, but mostly intact. His dark hair even looked a bit fluffier than it usually was, which made me want to run my hands through it. I watched Cole gently blow into the mug, the steam disappearing for a moment then coming back. Cole held the mug with both hands, seeming like he enjoyed the warmth and wanted to keep feeling it. There was a piece of chocolate cake on the counter in front of Cole, waiting to be eaten.

I then noticed that Cole was wearing one of my shirts that was a bit bigger on him, along with a pair of his own sweatpants that he slept in last night. I guessed that Cole got cold when he woke up and threw on one of my shirts, which I thought made him look so adorable. I looked at Cole's face and saw a hint of blush on his cheeks. I smiled and slowly walked up behind Cole without him noticing me and hugged him from behind.

"Hi Cole." I said lovingly, gently kissing the back of Cole's neck and enjoying the warmth coming from him.

"Morning Kai." I heard Cole say quietly, but to where I can hear. "Did you have a good sleep?" I nodded slowly and buried my face in Cole's shoulder.

"Ya I did." I said, pulling Cole closer to me. "Especially since you were there." I then heard Cole chuckle softly.

"Of course. I feel the same way." I seen Cole smile softly.

"You do?" I said teasingly, hugging Cole a bit more and softly placing a kiss on his neck. Cole laughed and snorted a tiny bit, which was one of my favorite things. It also means he's going to be sarcastic to my question.

"No. I just say that so you don't throw a fit. I know how much you whine." Said Cole as I softly laughed. Cole and I usually tease each other sometimes, but we both enjoy it. It's a fun little thing we do to show how much we love each other.

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