[3] Acceptance - Waking Up In Another World 2 - LOTR Fanfiction

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Chapter 3: Sure……

I smiled evilly, my grin spreading up my face very creepily. Zena looked over at me in concern, but Eomer caught her attention again.

‘Can I talk to Boromir – in his head? Without the others hearing?’

‘Sure…..’ – Fred replied, and suddenly I heard static, before it cleared up.

‘Fred?’ – I asked suspiciously.

Boromir did a double take, while he looked at me.

‘Boromir, can you hear me?’ – I asked excitedly.

‘Yes’ – came his immediate reply.

 My first thought was ‘Can we read each others thoughts?’

I asked, ‘Can you hear what I am thinking?’ – I though about a dog, and a rose.

Boromir’s voice responded, ‘No, I can not.’

Fred snorted, ‘That’s ridiculous. I could have told you that. It’s more like an open frequency – that only you to have access to.’

Boromir reeled back, ‘Who’s there?’ – he asked suspiciously, looking around for the person whose voice he had heard.

‘That was Fred.’ – I told him, shrugging my shoulders.

Suddenly another voice popped up on the connection, though I couldn’t tell if it was male or female.

 ‘Well of course it was!’ – the voice snapped at Boromir.

‘Who was that?’ – I snarled. Who dared oppose Boromir.

He rolled his eyes, and explained, ‘That was Joe’

‘Joe?’ – I asked him, ‘Who’s Joe?’

‘Joe’s my voice’ – Boromir explained to me.

‘Voice?’ – Joe snapped, ‘You are my voice, because I am the only one who deserves to live! The world shall cower before me!’

I rolled my eyes, and Fred snorted.

‘Please!’ – I chortled, laughing at Joe.

Boromir rolled his eyes, and mimed choking, ‘And I have to put up with this all day!’

‘Nothing that laughs at me shall survive!’ – Joe snarled at me.

‘Hey Dick-head!’ – I snapped, ‘Don’t you screw with me!’ – This Joe was starting to irritate me.

Joe chuckled, ‘What are you going to do to me?’

I motioned for Boromir to plug his ears, and thank heavens he did.

I thought, ‘Plug your ears Fred!’

Then I screamed in my head. A blood curdling, linoleum peeling, glass breaking scream. It was horrendous, and could have blown someone’s eardrum’s out. So naturally I was very proud of it.

Boromir didn’t even flinch, so my guess is that he couldn’t hear me.

Finally I heard, ‘Stop! Enough is enough!’ – I didn’t stop then, but trailed off after a second or twenty.

I signaled for Boromir to unplug his ears, and Fred started to talk again, ‘Very impressive. I would say that you are almost as good as torturing your enemies as Sauron.’

Great. That is something that I try to do in life.

‘I am NOT like Sauron!’ – I told Fred for the millionth time.

‘Whatever you say darling.’ – Fred told me, sighing.

Joe groaned in pain, ‘How did you do that? You are not supposed to be able to do that to me!’

‘Well I just wanted to hear you whine dick-head!’ – I snapped, ‘Shut-up and take it like a…..’ – I was going to say ‘man’ but I decided that it was to sexist to make a remark like that. Me being female and all.

Joe wouldn’t shut-up though, until I told it that I would do it again. Then Joe shut-up.

Fred slapped me a high five. ‘Awesome!’ – it told me.

I smirked as Boromir threw me a huge grin, ‘Thanks! I didn’t think that I would be able to get it to shut-up!’

I shrugged my shoulders, ‘No problem!’

Then he looked confused, ‘What is a dick?’

Oops. I forgot that they didn’t know all the modern slang’s.

‘You tell him Fred!’ – I thought panicky.

‘No’ – laughed Fred, ‘You said it, you explain it!’

I gulped, ‘Well it is an insult, that means a guys crotch.’

He still didn’t seem to get it, and I was now turning purple. Fred snorted, ‘For someone so tough, you can really be a wuss.’

I straightened my shoulders. Nobody called me a wuss!

I gestured at my crotch, so that Boromir understood.

Fred was now choking with laughter.

‘I knew that you were evil!’ – I told Fred. It was laughing to hard to respond.

Boromir nodded at me and said, ‘Now I have something to call my father when he annoys me!’

I just about had a heart attack. That would NOT be a good thing for Boromir to called King Denethor – the second?

‘Er. No. Boromir it would NOT be a good idea to call your father that. It is very rude.’

Great. What has the world come to? I am telling a warrior, not to call his father a dick, because it is rude! When have I ever been concerned about rudeness?

I snapped back to reality to find everyone, (and their dog) staring at Boromir and myself.

“What were you doing?” – Zena asked me, and everyone else nodded their heads in agreement.

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