June 12, 1987

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~ The Revamp ~

I knew no sense of adventure before that night began. My hometown in Louisiana was unknown to the rest of the world. It was quiet, barren, and devoid of nearly all activity. However, I was comfortable there. Everyone was friendly and familiar with one another. In fact, some would consider the people of my community as one big, happy family. It was all I ever knew ... Like all good things, this life would soon be nearing its end.

My friend Zach and I were sitting together in the local theater. We were watching the new release, Predator. He was the one who dragged me here to see it, even though I wasn't very enthused. I only agreed to sit through the whole movie so I could see Schwarzenegger on the big screen.
Even though it started out slow, the action slowly reeled me in. As the events drew nearer to the climax, I drew closer and closer to edge of my seat. The suspense had me locked into place. Before long, the movie came to a close. The screen faded to black, and the endless army of credits appeared.
I turned to my friend. "You know, I'm actually glad you decided to bring me along. That wasn't half-bad."
"Half-bad? It was great!" Zach answered.
The two of us sat in silence as the credits continued to roll. Everyone else had left the theater; we were alone.
I stifled a yawn. "I think it's getting late. We should probably head home."
Zach nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're probably right."
We left our seats and exited the theater. At this time, the sun had sunk below the horizon, shooting out neon tendrils that spread across the sky. The clouds were tinted a palette of bright colors. It was astonishing to behold.
Crickets chirped in the tall grasses, and a large group of frogs croaked mournfully in a nearby bog. The setting was all so peaceful. This isolation from the rest of the word was truly a blessing.
Zach and I left the main road and took a dirt pathway. We walked in silence, still contemplating the events of the movie.
Finally, he broke the stillness. "I think I'll be paranoid walking through the forest from now on."
I chuckled a bit. "Oh, come on! Don't be childish!" In a playful matter, I shoved him. "Only kids are afraid of movies!"
Zach laughed. "Eden, you are such a liar! You can't even handle Nightmare on Elm Street!"
I scoffed, but I knew I was beaten. He spoke the truth. There was no point in continuing the argument. Shortly after, the two of us crept up on a fork in the road. This is where we would go our separate ways.
My friend parted from the main road and began to walk off. He turned over his shoulder one last time. "Goodnight!"
"Goodnight," I repeated. Zach vanished completely as the darkness swallowed him up. I shuddered a little and headed home on my own path. Now I was alone.
Luckily I remembered that I brought a flashlight. It was small and cheap, but it was better than nothing. I flicked it on, and a dim, golden beam lit the ground at my feet. The light served its purpose, but I wasn't sure if it would be enough to help me navigate through the forest.

I approached the towering woods. The fortress of nature was even darker than the night around me. The highest branches swayed in the breeze. A cold chill ran down my spine although it was quite warm. I inhaled and entered the forest.
Along the trail, twigs and leaves crunched beneath my feet. Anyone could have heard me coming from a mile away. I felt vulnerable. With the bonus of this dark environment, I was becoming seriously unsettled. I knew something was off.
Without warning, the nocturnal insects stopped their trilling. The only noise was my feet trodding across the path. All else was deathly silent.
As cliché as it sounded, I was overcome by the feeling I was being watched. I whipped around and shone the flashlight on the path behind me. My eyes darted around wildly.
I know I scare easily. Maybe walking alone in the woods after watching a suspenseful movie wasn't the smartest idea... I thought.
A set of light footsteps echoed behind me, but the owner of them was nowhere in sight. My breathing and heart rate increased. As adrenaline pumped through my blood, my limbs started trembling. I backed away while keeping my flashlight trained on the path.
The footsteps grew nearer. That was my breaking point. I swerved away and bursted into a full sprint. At this moment, I didn't even have control of my actions anymore. This was fear at its absolute rawest.

In the dim light, I was unaware of any obstacles in my path. This, however, didn't mean they were nonexistent. My foot became ensnared by a root protruding from the ground. I fell face-first, and my flashlight flew from my hand. I quickly sat up and scrambled for the device. Fortunately, I quickly retrieved the light, restoring my vision.
I shone the yellow beam on the bushes all around me, but everything was completely still. Then, the petrifying sound of rustling leaves set me on-edge. With a shaking hand, I focused the flashlight on the source of the noise. Before I had a single moment to react, a figure lunged forward, directly for my throat. The beast pounced, knocking me over on my back. I started to shriek, but it was cut off as two massive claws pressed down on my throat.
In this moment of defenselessness, I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for the creature to finish me off. Unexpectedly, I felt a hot, sticky tongue roll across my entire face. Thick slobber dripped into my eyes and mouth. I wanted to gag.
Next, I heard a whimper of delight. I aimed my flashlight on the figure and immediately recognized the identity of my assailant. It was Vader, my dog. I wiped the saliva away and pushed him off.
I exclaimed in disgust. "Ugh! Vader!"
He barked excitedly and leaned forward to lick me again. I held him back. After that dramatic scene, I wasn't in the mood for any puppy kisses. Also, it was time to head back home. My mom was probably waiting impatiently.
After assessing my ankle for injuries, I stood and walked home with Vader trotting at my side. Luckily, I continued the rest of my journey without any unexpected jump-scares...

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