An Extremely Delayed Update

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Budgie exclaims, "Wow! I sure haven't updated in quite a while... I hope no one's mad at me."

Nahkt answers, "No offense, but I would be pretty mad with you if I was reading the book."

XB snaps, "No one asked you!"

He mimics in return, "No one asked you!"

*Eden attempts to intervene before a quarrel breaks out.*

She questions, "Aren't we here for a dare??"

*XenoBudgie forces an icy grin onto her face and turns to Eden.*

She says, "Why yes. You do have a dare... Asked by @LastLightAlive. You two are dared to hug. Just a harmless hug-nothing too serious."

Nahkt states, "Well that's not that bad!"

Eden responds, "Yeah. It could be worse."

*After her statement, Nahkt stands from the chair.*

He says, "Well come on over here you!"

*Eden jumps to her feet and runs to him. He takes a knee and embraces her. She puts her arms around his head and leans into him.*

Nahkt exclaims, "I could get used to this."

Eden nods her head and replies, "Same..."

XB pipes in, "Aww... Well isn't that sweet!"

Eden says with an annoyed tone, "Please don't spoil the moment."

Budgie states aloud to the readers, "Just wait and see what I have in store in 'Surviving the Jungle'. It only gets better. Hehe..."

Nahkt asks, "Wait a second... Xeno, who were you talking to?"

XB answers, "No one. Absolutely no one."

*Eden releases Nahkt and gives Budgie a funny look.*

She questions, "Seriously, who were talking to? And what did you mean when you said there was more in store for us in something called 'Surviving the Jungle'? What the heck is that supposed to mean?"

Xeno rolls her eyes and says sarcastically, "It means you're going to meet Arnold Schwarzenegger. Duh!"

Eden gives a puzzled expression and inquires, "Really?"

XB yells, "No!!"

Nahkt chimes in, "Hold Everything. Who's Arnold Schwarzenegger?"

Eden quips, "He is a cybernetic organism sent from the future. Arnie has the best quotes ever!"

Nahkt responds, "I will never understand the significance of human culture and puns."

XB retorts, "And I will never understand why you don't get them!"

Eden whispers, "Hmm... The world may never know."

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