The Right Kind of Sinner

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"Heartbreaker" Belongs to Pat Benatar.

A/N: Warning. Brace Yourself For an Emotional Chapter...
Back to Eden's POV

I don't know what came over me. I saw Gomorrah threatening Nahkt, and my mind was filled to the brim with rage. It was a special kind of wrath I could not control. If I hadn't acted, Nahkt would most likely be dead. It was pure human instinct.

But my mind couldn't quite grasp the fact I had killed a...a...Yautja. And a very high ranked one as well. How was this possible?

I awoke from my period of being in deep thought. Nahkt exclaimed: When Sodom discovers Gomorrah's death, he will believe I slayed him!

I said: But...but you didn't...

Nahkt answered: I know, I know. But when Sodom discovers you, he would take off your head without a moment of hesitation.

It really wasn't the time to joke around, but I decided to add a little "Comic Relief" to the situation. I jested: What is it with Sodom killing people gruesomely? Why don't people use guns anymore?

Nahkt glared at me and said: Not right now. Please not right now...

It was weird. There was a strange tone to Nahkt's voice. He never acted this way before. I questioned: What are we going to do now?

He answered: I-I do not know...

This was serious business. I think Nahkt was actually afraid... A wave of anxiety filled my mind. If he was anxious, then this was bad, very, very bad...

Nahkt began pacing back and forth, until finally, he stopped.

Nahkt said: That's it!

I was confused. I asked: What? What's it?

Nahkt answered: Soon, Sodom will come to slay us. What if...we killed him before he even had a chance?

I was still puzzled. What did he mean?

I stated: I...don't get it.

Nahkt responded: What I am trying to say is, we take that brute by surprise.

I said: That actually sounds crazy enough to work. No one expects a surprise attack.

For the moment, I felt slight relief. But, as the day crawled by, my relief was once again replaced with apprehension. My mind was clouded with doubts.

Not only was my mental condition in bad shape, my physical state grew worse, and it continued to decline. I couldn't eat, and I had an unquenchable thirst. No matter how much water I drank, my throat would still be dry like cotton. I noticed that I had lost some weight. Not because of anorexia or anything like that, but because I just had no desire to eat at all. My ribs stuck out, my skin became much paler. Every time I saw Nahkt, I could see a worry filled expression in his eyes. He knew something was wrong with me--no matter how hard I tried to hide it.

The gunshot wound was excruciating. I dared not look at it, although I was fully aware ignoring the injury wouldn't make it any better...

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